RoleChancellor EmeritusNameLord WakehamPro RectorNameJohn Cridland CBEPro RectorNameDr Shini SomaraVice-Chancellor and PresidentNameProfessor Andrew JonesDeputy Vice-ChancellorNameProfessor Jonathan WastlingPro Vice-Chancellor (Education)NameProfessor Claire TurnerPro Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise and Employment)NameProfessor Geoff RodgersPro Vice-Chancellor (International and Sustainability)NameProfessor Trevor HoeyPro Vice-Chancellor (Research)NameProfessor Hua ZhaoActing Executive Dean of College of Business, Arts and Social SciencesNameProfessor Danae ManikaExecutive Dean of College of Engineering, Design and Physical SciencesNameProfessor Abdulnaser SaymaInterim Executive Dean of College of Health, Medicine and Life SciencesNameDr Terry DoveyChief Operating OfficerNameDr Manuel AlonsoChief Finance OfficerNameAnne NathanChief People and Culture OfficerNameGemma BaileyDirector of Strategic PlanningNameDr Rosa ScobleChief of StaffNameDr Nicola RogersUniversity Secretary and General CounselNameTristan Foot Role Name Chancellor Emeritus Lord Wakeham Pro Rector John Cridland CBE Pro Rector Dr Shini Somara Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Andrew Jones Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Jonathan Wastling Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) Professor Claire Turner Pro Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise and Employment) Professor Geoff Rodgers Pro Vice-Chancellor (International and Sustainability) Professor Trevor Hoey Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Hua Zhao Acting Executive Dean of College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences Professor Danae Manika Executive Dean of College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences Professor Abdulnaser Sayma Interim Executive Dean of College of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences Dr Terry Dovey Chief Operating Officer Dr Manuel Alonso Chief Finance Officer Anne Nathan Chief People and Culture Officer Gemma Bailey Director of Strategic Planning Dr Rosa Scoble Chief of Staff Dr Nicola Rogers University Secretary and General Counsel Tristan Foot Council The governing body of the University Council members Our independent and elected members