Alumna Lisa Colombi gives back to Social Work students

Pam and Lisa
Pam and Lisa

MA Youth and Community Work alumna Lisa Colombi came back to Brunel to give a session to MA Social Work students about young people, offending and professional relationships.

Lisa's career has built on her MA (2009 to 2011), enabling her to become Team Leader for Wiltshire Council's Youth Offending Team. Having progressed from being a case manager, she now line-manages these staff – some of whom are social workers – and also conducts quality assurance and oversight for her lead areas, which include safeguarding and youth court.

Brunel students benefited from Lisa sharing her knowledge about approaches to assessment of risk, analysing behaviour and managing risk as part of a multi-agency approach. She also discussed her career and potential placements at the council.

Lisa was invited back to Brunel by Dr Pam Alldred.