My imported data is wrong what do I do? - Fields available
- Question:
- My imported data is wrong what do I do? - Fields available
- Answer:
The profile system imports data from the following external systems:
The following list of fields are present in the system but cannot be updated by you because they are imported from external systems:
- College/ Department/ Division/ Institute/ Theme memberships/ Job title/ Personal title (Dr, Prof, etc.)
These values are imported from HR, if any of these values are incorrect for you then please contact HR to have them updated.
- Phone number, office location
These values are imported from Active Directory and are tied to your Brunel Network account. To have these updated please contact IPT Support in the first instance. These values are also displayed in Outlook email and other systems so having them updated centrally should update them everywhere.
- Research outputs and research group memberships
Data relating to research outputs is imported from BRAD, if something is incorrect or missing, for example one of your publications isn't showing up or is incorrect then please contact BRAD support in the first instance.
Research group membership is also sourced from BRAD.
- Email address
This value is imported from Active Directory and are tied to your Brunel Network account. To have these updated please contact Computing Support in the first instance. This value is also displayed in Outlook email and other systems so having them updated centrally should update them everywhere.
Why does my job title not come from HR?
Job titles kept by HR are your official job titles, for most academics this will be 'Lecturer', 'Senior Lecturer', etc. Job titles in Active Directory allow for a bit more clarity, eg 'Lecturer in Computer Science'