Welcome to David Harrison's Home
Please choose from the following options
Investigator on 1 EPSRC research grant, Academic contact on 1 EU grant.
Management of Cleaner Electronics Research Group
of 10 PhD students
course modules in Electrical Principles, Electrical Theory, Technological
Awareness, Digital and Analogue Electronics.
mail address
of Design
Hill Lane, Englefield Green, Surrey, TW20 OJZ
into low cost Sensors (EPSRC funded 2001 -2002)
The aim
of the project is to lay the foundation for a generic technology for the fabrication
of low cost sensors. As an exemplar the project will focus on fabricating low cost capacitive sensors via
the conductive lithographic film process.
Disassembly with Smart Materials (EU funded 2000 -2003)
The use
of smart materials to support the disassembly of products at end of product
cost circuit fabrication using conductive lithographic films:
aim of this project is to generate an understanding of conductive lithographic
films, and their application to electronics manufacturing. The principal
objectives are to characterise and optimise conductive lithographic films for
use in low cost electronics interconnect and microwave applications. More
specifically to:
the existing lithographic conductive ink
component attachment
the behaviour of microwave structures fabricated by lithographic printing
the feasibility of conductive lithographic films for seeding both electro and
electroless plating
suitable materials for printing intergrated passive components
the electrical, mechanical and thermal properties or a range of inks,
substrates and component adhesives
initial investigation into low cost assembly and packaging of polymer light
emitting displays:
aim of this project is to investigate combining breakthroughs in light-emitting
polymer displays and conductive lithographic films. The results could open
important new directions in the manufacturing of displays that are flexible,
patterned by a simple printing process, low cost and lightweight. The
objectives are to study the electrical properties of contacts between CLFs and
semiconducting polymers, and formulate new inks with a range of work functions
and particle sizes.
for Producer Responsibility in the Design of Telecommunications Products:
generate design concepts that support reuse, moularity, product life extension,
and step changes in environmental performance.
create holistic models of the product life cycle for preferred concepts.
the most exciting design concepts as prototypes or models.
a generic systems framework and methodology that facilitates step change, whole
life, product design.
Guidelines for Active Disassembly:
work with manufacturers to actively separate the different materials that are
at present causing problems in recycling.
derive from this the generic design principles behind active disassembly
disseminate these design principles through an appropriate network.
Printing of Ceramic Devices (with QMW College, London):
define the limitations on the properties of heavily filled lithographic inks
for effective film splitting, tack and deposition.
select vehicles and dispersants which will allow the maximum solids loading
find the printer conditions which allow multi layer devices to be created for
such products as capacitors.
assess the viability of multilayer lithography as a generic manufacturing tool.
Biographical Information, Publications and Grants
& Professional Qualifications
Engineering Science , Exeter University, 1980
Robotics, Department of Elec. Eng., Portsmouth Polytechnic, 1988
Chartered Engineer, 1990
in Law, The College of Law, 1996
Society Common Professional Exam, 1996
prior to joining Brunel
Engineer with BBC TV , 1980 -82
Assistant, SERC Robotics Grant, Portsmouth Polytechnic, 1982-84
BBC Computer Literacy Project, BBC Education, 1985-86\
and Assistant Producer, Computer Literacy Project, BBC Education, 1987-89
Lecturer in Robotics, Portsmouth Polytechnic, 1989-90
Lecturer in Robotics, University of Portsmouth, 1990-94
Society Westminster Fellow in the Parliamentary Office of Science and
Technology, 1991.
achievements over the last 5 years
I The greatest achievement has
been the setting up of a research group, in partnership with my Head of
Department, in Clean Technology and Environmentally Sensitive Design. The group
now has eleven members, three Research Fellows, three Research Associates,
three students and two members of staff.. Ten grants have been brought in to
support this work.
The work of the group is focused
on the design of environmentally sympathetic products and processes, and the
analysis of whole product lifecycles.
Two of the main areas of work
Active Disassembly using smart
materials: With impending "take back" European legislation and an
increased concern to lower environmental impact of consumer products,
disassembly and component recovery is of commercial interest. Smart materials
react in a predetermined fashion under certain stimuli. We seek to develop new
disassembly methods using shape memory alloys and shape memory polymers as
releasable fasteners and actuators.
Lithographic printed circuit
boards: The Lithographic printing of circuits is an additive process using less
raw material, less energy, and producing less effluent than traditional board
manufacture. Circuit tracks can be formed on organic or synthetic substrates,
such as paper or plastic, through the deposition of a specialised conductive
ink via a lithographic printing process. These films have been developed
primarily for high volume, low cost applications. The University is at present
negotiating to sell licences on this technology.
Grants/contracts received
of Research Grants - Dr David Harrison
Co-investigator , SERC grant, "New Techniques in the control of advanced production machinery" �120,000.
Co-investigator , SERC
grant, "A Process Model for Project Management"
1992 Principal
Investigator ,travel grant. SERC �4,920.
Academic Contact , EU,
"Teleman Projects"
20,00 ECU.
1994 Co-investigator
, EPSRC grant �A Framework for Simulation of Concurrent Engineering�,
1995 Principal Investigator , �Novel
Techniques in the Manufacture of Electronic Products�. Brunel University
Enterprise Fund, �10,000.
Principal Investigator , EPSRC grant, �A novel circuit fabrication
Co-invest., EPSRC "Eco design for disassembly" �35,000.
Principal Investigator , Brunel Research Committee QR Grant, �Circuit
fabrication using Conductive Lithographic Films�,
1997- 1999 Principal Investigator , EPSRC
grant, �Low Cost circuit fabrication using conductive lithographic films�
1998- 1999 Principal Investigator, EPSRC grant, �Vias and embedded
resistor formation in low cost substrates� �10,000.
1998- 2000 Principal
Investigator, EPSRC grant, �An initial investigation into low cost assembly and
packaging of polymer light emitting displays" �86,000.
1998- 2000 Principal
Investigator, EPSRC grant �Frameworks
the Management of
Step-Change Environmental Design�
1998- 2001 Co
Investigator, EPSRC grant,
�Lithographic construction of multi layer devices and circuits using powder
filled inks�
1998- 2000 Co
Investigator, EPSRC grant �Design
principles for active
disassembly� �85,000.
2000- 2004 Academic Contact , EU Fifth Framework grant,
"Active Disassembly with Smart Materials" (Chief Scientist is Professor Billett). �1.6 million
2001-2002 Principal
Investigator, EPSRC grant , "Lithographic printing of sensor structures"
2001 Co
Investigator, EPSRC, "Prototyping Futures Research Institute" �75,000
Total Grant Income: �2.8
Total as Principal
Investigator �583,500
Patent Income (1995-2001) �250,000
Dr. David Harrison
Harrison, D. & Wallace, S. (1985). Robots.
MacDonald Education.
Harrison, D. & Jaques,
M. (1996). Experiments in Virtual Reality. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Harrison, D. & Evans, P. (2000). Electronics for Product Designers. (Available from the
authors ).
Ramsey, B. & Harrison, D. (2000). Handbook of Conductive
Lithographic Films. ISBN: 0-9538356-0-X
Part Books
Harrison, D., Billingsley, J. & Naghdy,
F. (1985). Application of
Rule-Based Methods to Inspection & Quality Control in a Manufacturing Process.
Chapter 8, Robots and Automated Manufacture. pp42-53. pub. Peter Perigrinus.
Harrison, D. & Norton, M. (1993). Peer
Review and Options for Improvement, Annex B in
Setting Priorities for the Science Base. A
Parliamentary Office of Science & Technology Report. ppB1 - B6.
Harrison, D. & Norton, M., (1993). The Use and Limitations of
Performance Indicators, Annex C in Setting
Priorities for the Science Base. A Parliamentary
Office of Science & Technology Report. pp C1 - C11.
Harrison, D. & Norton, M., (1993). Big and
Little Science, Annex D in Setting Priorities
for the Science Base. A Parliamentary Office of
Science & Technology Report. pp D1 - D5.
Harrison, D., Jaques, M. & Strickland,
P. (1993) .Design by Manufacturing Simulation
Using a Glove Input. Chapter 6, Virtual Reality in
Engineering. pp91 -103. IEE Computing Series 20. IEE Press.
Harrison, D. Chalkley, A & Billett, E (2000) The Rebound Effect, in
Designing Eco Solutions, (Birkland, J. ed.), accepted for publication
by Earthscan , Nov. 2000.
Harrison, D. (2000) Design for
Sustainability is a Reality, in
Exploring Design and Innovation, (Tabor, E.
et al, eds.), pub. Brunel University, ISBN 0-9538356-2-6 . p5.
Journal Papers (All Refereed except
those marked with * )
Billingsley, J., Naghdy, F. & Harrison, D. (1983). The Craftsman Robot
IEE Journal of Electronics and Power.
November pp 805-808.
Naghdy, F., Billingsley, J. & Harrison,
D .(1984). Simulation of Human Judgement in a Robot-Based Adjustment System. Robotica, No.2 1984, pp 209-214.
Naghdy, F., Billingsley, J. & Harrison,
D. (1985). Craftsman computer integrated manufacture., Journal of Quality Assurance, 1 1(2) 1985, pp 43-46.
Naghdy, F., Billingsley, J. & Harrison,
D. (1985). Hierachical Control
of a Robot Based Adjustment and Testing System,,
Journal of Institute of Measurement and
Control, 18(4) 1985, pp 137-140.
Jaques, M., Billingsley, J. & Harrison,
D. (1991). Generative
Design-by-Constraints Computer Aided
Engineering Journal, Vol 8, No.6 Dec. 1991, pp 261-268.
Harrison, D. & Meng, T. (1995 .) A Conceptual Quality
Performance Model, Quality World, Technical Journal of the Institute of
Quality Assurance., March 1995, pp44 - 47.
Evans, P., Ramsey, B., Harrison, D. &
Shepherd, P. (1997).
A Novel Lithographic Technology for
Microwave Integrated Circuits.
I.E.E. Electronics Letters. Vol.33, No.6,
March 1997. p483.
Ramsey, B., Evans, P. & Harrison, D.
(1997). A Novel Circuit
Fabrication Technique Using Offset Lithography, Journal of Electronics Manufacturing.
Vol. 7 No.1 pp 63 - 67.
Chiodo , J., Billet, E. & Harrison, D.
(1998). Active Disassembly. The Journal of
Sustainable Product Design. Issue
7, October 1998. pp26 - 36.
Evans, P., Ramsey, B., Harrey, P.
& Harrison, D. (1998). Eco-Friendly
Manufacturing Technique for PCBs. Engineering
Designer (Journal of the Institute of Engineering Designers), Vol. 24, No.
3. pp 12 - 15. (*)
Evans, P., Ramsey, B. & Harrison, D.
(1999) Frequency Selective Filter Structures. IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 35 No.4
Feb. 1999, p.306.
Walton, A., Stevenson J., Fallon, M., Evans, P., Ramsey, B.
& Harrison, D.(1999)
Characterisation of Offset Lithographic Films
Using Microelectroni c Test Structures.
IEICE Transactions on Electronics. (Japan),
E- 82 � C, No 4, pp 576 � 581, April 1999.
Evans, P., Ramsey, B ., Harrey, P. &
Harrison, D.(1999)
R.F. Circulator Structures Via Offset Lithography
I.E.E. Electronics Letters, Vol 35 No. 19,
September 1999, p1634.
Jones E., &
Harrison D. (2000) �Investigating the use of TRIZ in Eco-innovation� The TRIZ Journal , The TRIZ Institute,
[http://www.triz-journal.com] September Issue 2000 (*)
Stanton, N., Harrison, D., Taylor- Burge, K., Porter, L., (2000)
Sorting the Wheat From the Chaff, A study on the detection of alarms. International Journal of Cognition, Technology and
Lochun D., Ramsey
B, Harrison D. (2000) An initial investigation into the low cost manufacture of diffracting objects. J Opt. A Pure Appl. Opt. 2 (2000) L13-L15
Elliner, G., Gilbert ,J., Harrey, P.&
Harrison, D. (2000). Vias in conductive lithographic
films, I.Mech E, Journal of Engineering
Manufacture, Proc Inst. Mech Engrs
Vol 214 Part B. pp837-839.
Leyland, N., Evans, J., & Harrison, D.,
(2000) "The microstructure of lithographically printed cerami c films", Proc. Roy. Micros. Soc. Suppl. Vol 31 (2000) No.1 p.1
Chiodo, J..D.,
Harrison, D., Billett E. (2001) �An
initial investigation into active disassembly using
shape memory polymers�. I.Mech
E Journal of Engineering Manufacture,
Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs Vol 215 Part B, p733-741.
Harrison, D., Lochun, D., (2001) Manufacturing flexible light emitting polymer displays with conductive lithographic film technology, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures (I.O.P.), 10, (2001), 650-656.
Jones E., Stanton, N.,
& Harrison D. (2001) �Do
structured methods help
Eco-innovation: an evaluation of
the Product Ideas Tree Diagram'
. Design Studies, Elsevier Science, Kidlington, Oxford,
U.K. Volume 22, Issue 6, pp 519-542.
Jones, E., Mann, D,, Harrison, D., Stanton,
N., (2001) An Eco-innovation Case
Study of domestic dishwashing through
the application of TRIZ tools.�,
Journal of Creativity and Innovation
Management, Blackwell Publishers,
Oxford, U.K. Volume 10, Issue 1, pp 3-14.
Jones, E., Harrison, D., McLaren, J..
(2001) Managing Creative Eco-innovation:
Structuring outputs from Eco-innovation
projects.� , Journal of
Sustainable Product Design, Kluwer Academic
publishers, Dordrecht, The
Netherlands , Volume 1, Issue 1, pp 27-39.
Leyland, N., Evans,J., & Harrison, D.,
(2001) Flexible Ceramic Lithographic Inks, Br. Ceram. Trans. (in press).
Harrey, P, Evans, P., Ramsey, B. &
Harrison, D. (2000)
Interdigitated Capacitors
by Offset Lithography , Journal of Electronics Manufacturing. Vol. 10, No. 1 (2000) 69 �77.
Evans, P, Harrison, D, Harrey, P,. (2001) Lithographic
Film Circuits � A Review. Circuit World, Journal
of the Printed Circuit Industry Federation, Vol 27. No.3 April
2001, pp31-34.
Harrey, P, Evans, P & Harrison, D.
Interdigitated Capacitors for
Conductive Lithographic Film
circuits , IEEE Transactions CPMT.
(Accepted Sept 2001).
Evans, P, Harrison, D, Harrey, P,.
Component attachment in Conductive Lithographic Film circuits , IEEE Transactions CPMT. (Accepted Sept 2001).
Evans, P, Harrison, D, Harrey, P, .Printed thermistor structures with conductive lithographic films, Circuit World, Journal of
the Printed Circuit
Industry Federation, (Accepted,
September 2001).
Evans, P, Harrison, D, Harrey, P, Third
Generation Lithographic Film
Process. Circuit World, Journal of the Printed Circuit Industry Federation, (Accepted, Oct.
Chalkey, A, Harrison, D, Billett, E, Evaluating the Respending Rebound Effect, Journal of Sustainable Product Design, (Accepted Dec. 2001 ).
Szczesniak, J.,
Harrison, D. et al. Software Agents: A Tool For Sustainable Supply Chain
Management . Special Edition : Greening Supply Chain Management; Greener Management International; Greenleaf Publishing. (Submitted Dec. 2001)
Frey, S., Harrison, D., Billett, E. "Review of
Ecological Footprint Approaches", (Submitted to Ecological Economics, October 2000).
Evans,J., & Harrison, D., Lithography of Ceramics, J.
European Ceram. Soc. (Submitted, Nov. 2000).
Naghdy, F., Billingsley, J. & Harrison,
D. (1983). The Craftsman Robot.
Digest, IEE Colloquium on robots for
inspection and adjustment.
IEE Savoy Place, November 1983, pp 2.1-2.3.
Billingsley, J., Naghdy, F. & Harrison,
D. (1983). The Craftsman Robot.
Digest, IEE meeting on Robotics Research in
the UK. Savoy Place,
December 1983.
Harrison, D., Billingsley J. & Naghdy,
F. (1984). Force Sensing with the Unimation Puma.
Digest of IEE Colloquium: Robotics - Tactile Sensing and Force
Feedback, London October 1984.
Tewkesbury, G., Harrison, D. & Sanders,
D. (1992). A Transputer-Based Laser Scanning System Proceedings of IEEE Conference, Singapore, Feb 1992.
Harrison, D. & Sanders, D. (1992).
Imagineering: Promoting Creativity in Engineering Education. Proceedings of World Conference on Engineering
Education, Portsmouth, September 1992. pp45
- 49.
Sanders, D.
& Harrison, D. (1992). The
requirement for systems
engineers. Proceedings of
World Conference on Engineering
Education, Portsmouth, September 1992.pp343 - 348.
Harrison, D. & Jaques, M. (1994). Using
Gestures to Interface with a 'Virtual Manufacturing' package. Proceedings of
'Interface to Real and Virtual Worlds'.
Montpellier, February 1994. pp231 - 240.
Loschenkohl, S. & Harrison, D.(1994). Collaborating
Robots in an Unknown Environment. Proceedings of
the Teleman Student Research Congress, June 1994. pp 177-182.
Hicks, D. & Harrison, D. (1994).
Control of Collaborating Robots.
Proceedings of the Teleman Student Research
Congress, June 1994. pp 183-188.
Wallace, A. & Harrison, D. (1994). Sharing
World Models in Cooperating Robot Teams.Proceedings
of the Teleman Student Research Congress, June 1994. pp 189-196.
Jones, P. & Harrison, D. (1994). Using
Virtual Reality to Control a
Mobile Robot.
Proceedings of the Teleman Student Research Congress, June
1994. pp 197-202.
Farrington, T. & Harrison, D. (1994). Biomechatronics - A Review.Proceedings of Mechatronics and Vision Conference, University of
Southern Queensland, September 1994.
Jaques, M., Harrison, D. & Strickland,
P. (1994). An Automated
Non-Destructive Materials Testing System. Proceedings of the European Robotics
and Intelligent Systems Conference, Aug. 1994, Volume1, pp 591-597.
Robinson, D., Mazharsolook, E. &
Harrison D. (1994). Software-based Intelligent Support for Manufacturing
Quality Control. Proceedings of the European
Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Conference, Aug. 1994, Volume 1, pp 561-567.
Harrison, D., Billett, E. &
Billingsley, J. (1995). Novel Circuit Fabrication Techniques for Reduced
Environmental Impact.Proceedings of IEE/IEEE
International Conference on Clean
Electronics. Edinburgh, Oct. 1995, pp 174-176.
Evans ,P., Ramsey, B., Harrison, D. &
Shepherd, P. (1996). Assessment
of Conductive Lithographic Films for Microwave Applications.
Automated R.F. and Microwave Measurement
Society Conference.
31st October - 1st November 1996. Limpley
Stoke, Bath, UK. (Prize Paper).
Chiodo J., Harrison D., Anson, A. &
Billett, E. (1997). Eco-design for Active Disassembly, Proceedings of the
Shape Memory and Super Elastic Technologies
Conference, California, March 1997. pp269
Ramsey, B., Simpson, P. & Harrison , D.
(1997). Assessment of the
Environmental Impact of Conductive Lithographic Films. Engineering Management
Loughborough, August 1997. pp397 - 406.
Evans ,P., Ramsey, B., Harrison, D. &
Shepherd, P. (1997). Conductive Lithographic Films - Novel Material
Application for Electronics.
Technology Foresight Workshop - Molecules,
Materials and Markets.
Royal Society of Chemistry. 7th January
1997. Bristol, UK.
Evans, P., Ramsey, B., Harrison, D. &
Shepherd, P. (1997). Further Developments of Microwave CLFs. Automated R.F. and Microwave Measurement Society Conference. 7th - 8th April 1997. Malvern, UK.
Ramsey, B., Evans, P. & Harrison, D.
(1997). Conductive Lithographic Films.
IEEE International Symposium on Electronics
and the Environment.
5th - 7th May 1997. San Francisco,
California. p252-257.
Evans, P., Ramsey, B. & Harrison, D.
(1997). A Comparison of the Characteristics of Conductive Lithographic Films
and Screen Printed Circuits.
11th Annual European Passive Components
Conference (CARTS-Europe 97).
14th - 16th October 1997. Prague, Czech
Republic. p24-28.
Walton, A., Stevenson, J., Fallon, M.,
Evans, P., Ramsey ,B. & Harrison, D. (1998) Test Structures to Characterise a Novel
Circuit Fabrication Technique That Uses Offset Lithography. IEEE International
Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures.
23rd - 26th March 1998. Kanazawa, Japan.
McClaren, J., Cowell, S., Jones, E., &
Harrison , D. (1998). Life
Cycle modelling of consumer electronic products with convergent functionality. 6th LCA Case Studies
Symposium , Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Brussels, Dec. 1998. pp61 -67.
Chiodo ,J., Billett, E., Harrison, D. &
Wright , L.(1999).
Eco Design 1999, 1st International Symposium on
Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing 1st Feb. 1999, Tokyo, Japan, Active
Disassembly using Shape Memory Polymers. p590-597.
McLaren J., Harrison
D., and Jones E., (1999) 'Forecasting Future Sustainable Telecommunication
Services� a Life Cycle Approach' Proceedings of the CIRP Life Cycle Engineering
Conference, Queens University, Ontario. Canada 21-23 June 1999.
Harrey ,P., Ramsey, B. Evans, P. &
Harrison , D.(1999).
Eco Design 1999, 1st International Symposium on
Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing 1st Feb. 1999, Tokyo, Japan, A novel
manufacturing process for capacitors . p 842-848.
Chiodo , J., Billett , E. & Harrison, D
and Harry, P. (1998).
IEEE Conference on Clean Electronics, Illinois, USA, May 1998,
Investigations of Generic self disassembly using shape
memory alloys. p82-87..
Lochun, D., Kilziraki ,M., Jarrett, E.,
Ramsey, B., Samuel ,I. & Harrison ,D. (1999)
Post Processing of Conductive
Lithographic Films for Multilayer Device Fabrication
International Electronics Manufacturing
Technology Symposium (IEMT-99)
Oct. 18-20 1999. Austin Texas USA.
Evans, P., Ramsey,B., Harrey,P., Harrison,
D. (1999)
International Electronics Manufacturing
Technology Symposium (IEMT-99)
Oct. 18-20 1999. Austin Texas USA.
Gilbert ,J., Elliner, G., Harrey, P.,
Harrison, D et al. .(1999).
Via and embedded resistor
construction in low cost lithographically printed substrates. Proc 49th IEEE Electronic Components and Technology
Conference. (ECTC) San Diego USA June 1999, p.212-218.
13th European Passive
Components Conference, 18th � 22nd October
, Lisbon, Portugal. (Seminar notes, p7-8).
Chiodo , J., Billett, E. & Harrison,
D.(1999) Active Disassembly using
Smart Materials - Introductory Materials Overview: The Fourth
International Conference on Ecomaterials, Gifu, Japan, 8 -10th Nov.
Chiodo , J., Billett , E. & Harrison,
D.(1999), ADSM: Step Change to EIR using Smart Material, Asian
Design Conference', Niigata-Ken, Japan 30 Oct 1999.
Chiodo , J., Billett , E. & Harrison,
D., Perkins, M and Anson,A.W, (1999). 'Shape Memory Allot Actuators for ADSM of Consumer Electronic Products':
38th Gateway Annual Conference of Metallurgists' Quebec, Canada,
22-26th August, 1999. p425-439. ISBN 0-919086-93-4.
Jones E., Harrison D.
& J. McLaren. (1999). �The product
ideas tree: a tool for mapping creativity in ecodesign� in Proceedings of IDATER 99, Loughborough University, UK . 23-25 August 1999
Kilitziraki M., Lochun D., Harrison D.,
and Samuel I.D.W. (1999)
Lithographic Printing of
Contacts for Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes
Poster presentation at European
Conference on Molecular Electronics,
Linkoping, Sweden,
September 1999.
Ramsey, B. & Harrison, D. (2000)
of Paper Membrane Switches for Fully Featured
Keyboards , Proceedings of the IEEE International
Symposium on Electronics and the
Environment. IEEE San Francisco, CA. 8-10 May. p. 27-32.
Chiodo J.D., McLaren J., Billett E., & Harrison D.
(2000) �Isolating LCD�s at End of Life using Active Disassembly Technology:
A Feasibility Study� Proceedings of the
IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment. IEEE San
Francisco, CA. 8-10 May. p318-323.
Frey, S, Harrison, D., Billett, E. (2000)
"Integrated Product Policy and Ecological Footprint of Electronic Products". IEEE Symposium on Electronics and the Environment,
San Francisco, May 2000. p.130-135.
Frey, S, Harrison, D., Billett, E.,(2000) "Environmental
Assessment of Electronic Products using LCA and Ecological footprint", proceedings of Electronics Goes Green, Berlin,
Sept. 2000. p253-258.
Jones E., & Harrison D. (2000) �TRIZ tools for use
in Eco-innovation� in Proceedings of
TRIZCON2000, Altschuller Institute for TRIZ studies, Nashua, NH . 30 April-2
May 2000
Jones E., Harrison, D.,
Stanton, N. (2001) The
application of TRIZ tools in
an Eco-Innovation Process� in proceedings of:
World Conference TRIZ
Future 2001,
Bath, UK, 7-9 November 2001
Chalkley, A, Harrison, D, Billett , E . (2001) A Review
of Product Lifetime Optimization
as an Environmental Tool,
International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 01, C586/513, p693- 699.
Szczesniak, J Harrison D., Billett, E. (2001) Intelligent
Software Agent For Electronic
Product Supply Chain Prep 2001 (9-11 April; Keele, UK),
Third Conference on Postgraduate Research in Electronics,
Communication and Software; Proceedings of Posters p.101
Szczesniak, J , Harrison D. et al. (2001) Software Agents- A Tool For
Environmental Supply Chain Optimisation LCM ( 27-29 August, Copenhagen)
1st International Conference on Life Cycle Management;
Proceedings (Poster 3.11) pp. 349- 351
Frey, S, Harrison, D. , Billett, E, (2001) Environmental
Assessment of a Mobile Phone using Ecological Footprint Analysis. Nokia Research Conference, Helsinki, 8 November 2001.
Frey, S, Harrison, D. , Billett, E, (2001) Environmental
Assessment of a Mobile Phone using Ecological Footprint Analysis. International Society of Industrial Ecology
conference , The
Netherlands, 13 November, 2001
Evans, P,
Shepherd, P., Harrison, D., (2001) Measurement and Modelling of MIC
Components Using Conductive Lithographic Films, 31st European Microwave Conference , Sept
2001, London.
Parker, V, Evans. P., Harrison, D. (2001) Conductive
Textiles and Electronic Devices, Prep 2001 (9-11 April; Keele, UK), Third Conference on
Postgraduate Research in Electronics, Photonics, Communication and Software;
Evans, P,
Harrey, P., Harrison, D., (2001) Lithographically Printed Thermistor Structures, 15th European Passive Components Conference Oct.
2001. Denmark.
Harrey, P., Harrison, D., Ramsey, B., Evans, P. (2002) Low
Cost Humidity Sensors Manufactured by Offset Lithography, 4th Int Symposium on Humidity and Moisture,
Taiwan, Sept 2002. (Abstract submitted).
Harrey, P., Harrison, D., Ramsey, B., Evans, P. (2002) Characterisation
of Printed Humidity Sensors. Eurosensors
2002 (Abstract submitted).
Davis, G., Bulsom, H., Harrison, D, Billett, E (2002) The
use of biodegradeable polymers for the collection and treatment of organic wastes, BioPlastics Work, Central Science Labs, York, Feb 2002.
(Abstract Accepted)
Invited Presentations
Harrison, D. (1992) The Role of the
Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology
Invited seminar given at the Science Policy
Research Unit,
Sussex University, April 1992.
Harrison, D. (1997) Joint ITIC /EPSRC
Electronic Product Design and Manufacture Meeting, Invited Speaker, Progress
in Conductive Lithographic Films, Cardiff
University, Nov. 1997.
Harrison, D. (1998) Brunel University Business Club, Invited speaker, Environmentally
Sensitive Design, January 1998.
Harrison, D., (1999) Lithographic Films, Joint Printed Circuit
Industry Federation / EPSRC EMERNET meeting, Brunel University, November
Harrison, D, (2000) Innovation Spurred by Design, UK Design Forum, Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory, April 2000.
Harrison, D, (2000) Conductive Lithographic Films, National Physical
Laboratory , May 2000.
Harrison, D, (2000) Active Disassembly, On Gallery Demonstrations, Welcome Wing, Science Museum, London. July 2000.
Harrison, D, (2000) Speculative
Innovation: Primed by Research Funding, Launch
Conference EPSRC INTELLECT - Integrated Electronic Technologies Manufacturing
Initiative 11 December 2000, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
Harrison, D, (2001) Conductive Lithographic Films, Printed Circuit Industry Federation Annual Conference, May 2001, Berkshire, UK.
Harrison, D, Ramsey, B, Evans, P, Harrey, P, (2001), Printed
Electronics as an Enabling Technology for E-business, Italia Telecom Conference, Aqulia, August 2001.
Publications in Preparation
Kilitziraki M., Lochun
D., Harrison D. and Samuel I.D.W.
printing of contacts for polymer light-emitting diodes
(in preparation)
Parker,V., Evans, P. & Harrison, D., Conductive Fabrics and Yarns, Journal of
Electronics Manufacturing. (In
McLaren J., Harrison D,
Low, M., �Simplified environmental life cycle assessment of Electronic
products - a comparison of methods.' (In preparation).
Leyland,N., Evans,J., & Harrison, D., A
pressure sensor printed by offset lithography, IEEE. (In preparation).
Leyland,N., Evans,J., & Harrison, D, Lithographic
printing of ceramic capacitors. (In preparation).
Film, video, and display media.
Three times a joint winner of The Times
�Technology Programme of the Year� award.
Contributions to 25 hours of TV programmes on Information Technology and Computers
MicroLive Series 1, October 1985 -March
1986, Fridays, BBC 2 ,7.30 pm
MicroLive Series 2 , October 1986 - March
1987 Fridays, BBC 2, 6.30 pm
(Average Audiences for these series: 2.1
Electric Avenue, 1988 -89 BBC 2,
Mondays, 11.30 pm
(Programme subjects include Robotics, co-written with
M.Brady, Oxford University
Expert Systems, co-written with J.Alty,
Glascow University)
Interactive Videodisc, Robotics, written for the BBC Interactive Video Unit and the D.T.I., 1989.
Active Disassembly display, selected for
the opening of the Welcome Wing, Science Museum, by the Queen. (Seen by some
100,000 people over 3 weeks).
Patent Applications.
Conductive Lithographic Films.
Harrison, D., Ramsey, B., Evans, P.
Patent Application No. 9612272.6 - 12th
June 1996.
Electrical Circuit,
Harrison, D., Ramsey, B., Evans, P.
PCT/GB97/01572- Dec 1997
(Three option agreements taken out on this
patent for approx. �25,000. Patent assigned, Dec. 2000 for
�175, 000)
Lithographically printed seeding layer
Ramsey, B, Lochun ,D., Harrison, D., PCT/GB99/04064 - Dec 1999
(Patent assigned, March 2000, for �50,000).
A Lithographically Printed Microwave
Antenna. Evans, P., Harrison, D.,
Ramsey, B., Patent Application No. 9620099.3 - 26th September 1996.
Fabrication of Passive Electrical
Components Using a
Lithographic Printing Process.
Ramsey, B, Evans, P., Harrison, D.,
Patent Application No. 9621571.0 - 16th
October 1996.
An Electrically Conductive Interconnect for
Deposed Electrically Conductive Films.
Ramsey, B, Evans, P., Harrison, D.,
Patent Application No. 9621572.8 - 16th
October 1996.
Electrically Conductive Films.
Ramsey, B, Evans, P., Harrison, D.,
Intl. Patent Application No. GB97/01572 -
11th June 1997.
A Lithographically Printed Twin -T Filter.
Evans, P., Harrison, D., Ramsey, B.,
Pstent Application No. 9820116.3- October 1998
Electrical Display Device
Harrison, D., Evans, P., Ramsey, B.,
Patent Application No. GB9826449.2 -
November 1998
Printed Seeding Layer
Harrison, D., Evans, P., Ramsey, B.,
Patent Application No. GB 9826447.6 -
November 1998
Electrical Keyboard Device
Ramsey, B, Harrison, D., Evans, P.,
Patent Application No. GB 9826443.0 -
November 1998
Electrical Card Device
Harrison, D., Evans, P., Ramsey, B.,
Patent Application No. GB 9826443.5 -
November 1998
Electrical Resistor Structure
Ramsey, B, Harrison, D., Evans, P.,
Patent Application No. GB 9826442.7 -
November 1998
Electrically Resonant Device
Harrison, D., Evans, P., Ramsey, B.,
Patent Application No. GB 9826441.9 -
November 1998
Interdigitated Capacitor
Harrison, D., Evans, P., Ramsey, B.,
Patent Application No. GB 9825438.5 -
November 1998
Electrical Switch
Harrison, D., Evans, P., Ramsey, B.
Patent Application No. GB9826437.7 -
November 1998
Electrical Battery Interconnect Device
Harrison, D., Evans, P., Ramsey, B
Patent No. pending - November 1998
Electrical Humidity Sensor
Harrison, D., Evans, P., Ramsey, B.,
Patent No. Pending - November 1998
Offset Lithographically Printed Diffraction Grating
Lochun, D., Harrison, D., Ramsey, B.,
Patent No.GB9827290.9 - November 1998
Polymer Light Emitting Display,
Harrison, D., Samuel, I.
Patent No. GB99229523.0 - Dec. 1999
Active Disassembly Device
Billett, E, Chiodo, J., Harrison, D.
Filed Dec. 1999.
X Ray Shielding Ink
Evans, P., Harrey, P., Harrison, D.
Filed March 2001.
Thermoelectric Ink
Evans, P., Harrison, D.
Pat. No GB 0110178.1 Filed April. 2001
Metal Oxide Ink
Evans, P., Harrison, D.
Pat. No GB 0117431.7 Filed July 2001
Consultancy Deliverables.
Harrison, D.., Evans, P., Ramsey, B.,
An Initial Investigation into CLF Document Security Structures.
Thomas De La Rue Ltd. Basingstoke, U.K.
December 1997.
Harrison, D.., Evans, P., Ramsey, B.,
Harrey, P.
Further Investigation into CLF Document Security
Thomas De La Rue Ltd. Basingstoke, U.K.
April 1998.
Harrison, D, .Ramsey, B.
An Initial Investigation into Solar Powered Street Furniture,
Trueform Engineering, Jan. 2000.
Other Consultancy
Consultant to DERA Farnborough,
June 1998 Consultant to
DERA Farnborough, �10,000
Evans, P.,Ramsey, B.,Harrey, P., Harrison,
D. (1998) Circuit Fabrication Using Offset Lithography, The Good PCB Guide, Vol . 2, Issue 1, Spring 1998.
Evans, P.,Ramsey, B.,Harrey, P., Harrison,
D. (1998) A Comparison between Conductive Lithographic Film and Thick Film
The Good PCB Guide, Vol . 2, Issue 2,
Summer 1998.
Harrison, D, Printing with
Light, What's New in Electronics, Australia, Dec .
Revised: Febuary 2002