Martin Greenhow
Phone:+44 (0)1895-265622 ,Fax:+44 (0)1895-269732
Study skills Guide
Study Skills Guide
maths e.g.
Since 2000 my students and I have been authoring a Computer-Aided Assessment package, called Mathletics but now 're-invented' as maths e.g. This uses MathML, SVG and random parameters within questions. This means an inexhaustible supply of questions will be generated at runtime, each with very complete feedback including a fully-worked solution if you get any question wrong.
This work is supported by Brunel University's Teaching and Learning Support Unit, the Maths, Stats and OR Network (MSOR), FDTL4 PPLATO, FDTL5 METAL, DeSTRESS and others.
Students can access the questions at:
Entry into maths e.g.
ACADEMICS and TEACHERS can also set up their own assessments by signing up at:
Entry into maths e.g. teacher interface
If you cannot see the equations, please read these instructions for setting applet permission in Windows 8.
Entry into Mathematics Tests (Brunel network only)
Entry Mathematics for dogs and cats
Personal Data
- Date of birth, 22/5/1954
- Secondary Education at Callington Grammar School.
- First degree in Maths and Theoretical Physics (1976), Ph.D. (1979)at the University of Exeter and drTechn (1989) at the University of Trondheim.
- Research Fellow University of Edinburgh, 1979/80.
- Research Fellow University of Trondheim, Norway, 1980/81.
- Research Fellow University of Cambridge, 1981/82.
- Research Fellow MIT, 1982/83.
- Temporary Lecturer, University of Manchester, 1984/85.
- Senior Research Engineer, Marintek A/S, Trondheim, Norway, 1985/88.
- Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Brunel University 1988/date.
Research Interests
- Nonlinear free surface effects, especially breaking waves, ship slamming and water entry and exit.
- Linear floating body hydrodynamics, especially in the time domain.
- Computational fluid dynamics.
- Survival of marine and coastal structures in extreme conditions.
- Computer-Aided learning.
Professional affiliation
- Fellow of the Institute for Learning & Teaching in Higher Education.
Research publications
A few interesting Web Sites
GeoMath - Mathematics for Geography students
NRICH Mathematics designed to make you enthusiatic about maths!
PASS Mathematics designed to make you enthusiatic about maths!
Dyslexia Software for adults. This is a commercial company, but this site gives a lot of useful information.
For potential FYP students, here's me droning on about CAA to a bunch of Economists (hence the focus on economics topics - see maths e.g. for a more complete view).
For suggestions and comments on the construction of this page please contact: Last updated 26/09/13