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Alumnus shares how his career took flight after graduating

Alumnus shares how his career took flight after graduating

Published: 28 Aug 2024

Kennedy Ameh

Make sure you seize the opportunity to make your experience personal, get immersed in Brunel beyond the academics.

Kennedy, Postgraduate, Alumni

Managing Director, Collins Aerospace

Engineering Management MSc - 2016

From UK

Previous Institution

University of Hertfordshire - BEng Hons in Aerospace Engineering

Tell us about your educational and/or career journey since you graduated from Brunel.

I graduated from Brunel in 2016, and since then my career has taken flight. I lead a sizeable business as the Managing Director within Collin Aerospace. In this role, I ensure we provide solutions for the Weapons Control Actuation Systems, leading a team of just over 120 employees around the globe but primarily in the UK and the US on the entire life cycle from pursuit to order capture, design, produce to deliver and the strategy for the long-range planning of our business. Prior to leading this team and business, I worked in our Supply Chain and Global Operations strategy organisation between 2017 to 2021 timeframe. In that role, I was responsible for operational strategy and footprint projects for our manufacturing sites in Indonesia, Singapore, India, the UK, Poland, and Mid-West US. That was an incredible experience to have a seismic impact on our operational and cost performance for the business unit I was working for at the time in Collins Aerospace. I learnt so much about the nuance and cultural context of appreciating the importance of driving collaboration in achieving transformational change.

What does a typical day at work involve for you?

A typical day at work is largely built on solving problems with my leadership team, this could be tactical quick problems or complex and strategic problems like how we stay competitive, and what strategies should we employ to continue to deliver excellent customer service. On other days which I particularly enjoy, is when we host employee all-hands weekly meetings to engage with members of our extended team and to discuss how we can make our business better for the lives of our employees and customers. More importantly, this creates an opportunity for dialogue, and I learn a lot from these sessions weekly.

What’s been the highlight of your career journey so far?

The highlight for me so far is the ability to mentor and be mentored by so many amazing people so far. I look back on the last 15 years and I struggle to narrow my career to one specific highlight but reframe the experience through the lens of all the people I have worked with and to see them thrive and realise their goals, that has been a significant highlight for me.

How would you say your Brunel experience has helped you to get where you are today?

My Brunel experience was a very unique one, I took the Masters course part-time while working, besides the difficulty of juggling my academics and a tough work schedule. The education and what I learnt made a huge impact on my career as I applied so many skills I learnt on the course. It was a symbiotic relationship where I used my work experience for my assignments and used new tools or theories from the Brunel course to refine my approach to work. Through that exchange, I thrived at work and excelled, so I can gladly say my experience at Brunel was a launch pad for my career today.

Why did you choose to study at Brunel and why would you recommend Brunel to others?

I chose to study at Brunel due to the history and reputation of the University. I researched prior to deciding on the University I was going to invest time and effort into for a Masters's course and Brunel University came up top for what was offered, the option of a distance learning part-time master's from a reputable university that complements my work life was perfect for me. I'd recommend Brunel to others for the faculty and the interactive forum we used during my time - Blackboard, I am sure it would have evolved by now but it was interactive and I got to meet so many incredible students through Blackboard at Brunel.

What is your best memory of studying here?

As I was a distance learning student, my best memory was graduation day I'd say as I got to meet several individuals I had engaged with virtually. Ranging from lecturers to the Dean of School – a great day in 2016, I won't forget it so soon.

If you could give one piece of advice to current Brunel students, what would that be?

I advise that you enjoy the experience, the resources, faculty and network are there to make you better. Make sure you seize the opportunity to make your experience personal and get immersed in Brunel beyond the academics. Get involved in the student union, in other associations, and be part of the community - you will be grateful for it.

What would be your top tip or key advice for new graduates as they begin their career journey after leaving Brunel?

New Graduates should be aware of the world around them, a post-pandemic world where a new set of skills are required - beyond your degree, an ability to solve problems. Have great interpersonal skills, listen actively, and utilize your Brunel network as you look for roles - there are so many of us who are hiring managers who would be excited to give a helping hand. Reach out!
