Blog Article: The Vicious Cycle of Migration Criminalisation – Dr Matilde Rosina


"Rather than fostering security, restrictive measures such as the criminalisation of migration create a vicious cycle of insecurity and irregularity. So why do states increasingly turn to these measures?," writes Dr Matilde Rosina.

The article examines how stringent migration policies can inadvertently perpetuate insecurity and irregularity.

The key points include:

  • Many countries, including Italy and France, have enacted laws that criminalise irregular migration, imposing penalties such as fines or imprisonment for unauthorized entry or stay. This approach aims to deter irregular migration but often leads to unintended consequences.
  • Restrictive migration policies can heighten public perceptions of insecurity. When such measures fail to effectively control migration, they amplify fears and lead to demands for even stricter policies, creating a self-reinforcing cycle of perceived insecurity.
  • Criminalising migration can push migrants into more precarious situations, making them more vulnerable and less likely to engage with authorities. 

Read the full article here: The Vicious Cycle of Migration Criminalisation - Australian Institute of International Affairs - Australian Institute of International Affairs