HoL Communications and Digital Committee: A report on Large language models and generative AI – Dr Hayleigh Bosher


Some of the core recommendations previously made by Dr Hayleigh Bosher in both oral and written evidence given to the House of Lords (HoL) Communications and Digital Committee have been highlighted in the latest commission's report.

Dr Bosher argued that the exceptions allowing transient or incidental copies were narrow and did not apply to large language models (LLMs). She emphasised that the application of copyright law should be future-proof and not overly specific to the workings of a particular technology.

The report states that the Government's approach to Artificial Intelligence and LLMs has become overly focused on a narrow aspect of AI safety, identifying this as one of its key areas to improve. Experts recommend rebalancing to amplify opportunities while addressing near-term security and societal risks. This approach will allow the UK to keep pace with competitors, prevent it from losing international influence, and avoid becoming strategically dependent on overseas tech firms for critical technology.