Written evidence: Geothermal technologies and the UK's journey to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 - Dr Lee Hosking


This written evidence by Dr Lee Hosking is principally based upon findings from a recent review of the technology status of unconventional geothermal energy resources. In the document, titled "The potential for geothermal technologies to play a role in the UK’s journey to net zero carbon emissions by 2050"  Dr Hosking finds out that:

  • Geothermal-sourced heat networks have widespread potential in the UK and their development can be readily pursued. 
  • Sedimentary basins are geographically distributed and often aligned with heat demand fordirect use. Granite batholiths, where available, benefit from radiothermal heat productionand can be developed for both heat networks and power generation, as seen in projectsalready being undertaken.
  • Low permeability reservoirs, such as the UK’s granites and deepest sedimentary basins, maybe developed for sufficient rates of heat recovery without permeability enhancement bytargeting systems of natural fractures (faults). 
  • Advances in drilling technology should be expected to lead to economical drilling to greaterdepths in the near future. 

Read the full evidence here