External Examiners
External Examiners are appointed to assist the University in monitoring the standards of the awards it makes to its students and the quality of the education provided in line with the UK Quality Code.
The role of the External Examiner is to assure the quality of students' learning experiences and to ensure that all students are assessed fairly and in line with the University’s Senate Regulations 4 and 5.
For External Examiners appointed to taught programmes, the University's External Examiners for Taught Programmes Policy provides guidance to staff and External Examiners on all aspects of the role and associated work.
A list of our External Examiners can be found below:
External Examiners for undergraduate programmes
External Examiners for postgraduate taught programmes
Appointment of External Examiners
Senate Regulation 4 sets out the criteria for appointment of External Examiners of taught programmes.
Senate Regulation 5 sets out the criteria for appointment of External Examiners of research degrees.
Recommendation for the Appointment of an External Examiner for a Taught Programme form
Application for Extension of External Examiner Appointment or Substantive Change in External Examiner Duties form
For all queries regarding the appointment of External Examiners, please contact external@brunel.ac.uk.
Annual reports from External Examiners
The University requires all External Examiners to report formally each year. Current students and members of staff can access the annual reports from our External Examiners, and the University’s responses to them.
To see the list of External Examiner reports and responses from previous years, please see the External Examiner Reports page.
For College staff to respond to External Examiner Reports, and monitor the status of reports for the current academic year, please see the Responding to External Examiner Reports page.
If you are an external examiner and want to submit a report, please see the Submitting External Examiner Annual Reports page.
Resources for External Examiners
Non staff expenses claim form
Record of attendance form
External Examiners and Reviewers: Summary of fees
Payroll form
Guidance on Reimbursement of Travel and Subsistence Expenses for External Examiners
External Examiners Briefing Day
Quality Assurance delivers inductions to newly appointed External Examiners. Current External Examiners are able to access the presentation and recording from the most recent session.
Please contact external@brunel.ac.uk if you require any further information.