Where are you now?


Where are you now?

How have things been going since graduation? Have you found that dream job? Gone travelling? Undertaken further study? Or perhaps you are still looking for the right opportunity?

Over the next few months, Brunel will be contacting you to find out how you have progressed since completing your programme. This will take the form of a national survey which helps us to understand where students and graduates go on to find employment, and whether there are any particular areas that need more support. It also helps future students make an informed decision about which university course to choose. It is important that you complete this survey so please do look out for The Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) Survey.

And remember, if you are still looking for work, you can get practical support from the Placements and Careers Centre – whether you need to improve your job applications, brush up on your interview skills or search job listings. Our Careers Consultants are here to help you find a job so take advantage of their services while you can; they are available for up to two years after you graduate. Visit http://www.brunel.ac.uk/services/pcc/students/getagradjob to see how Brunel can help you.