24-hour marathon Made in Brunel Design Challenge goes virtual

MIB 24-hour Design Challenge launch image 2021

More than 80 Brunel Design School students worked virtually around the clock in the annual student-led Made in Brunel 24-hour Design Challenge.

This year, as they couldn’t work together physically, the Made in Brunel team created a unique, virtual Michael Sterling Building where our new Brunel Design School is based. Students collaborated on nine live briefs from eight real companies.

First-year students to doctoral researchers worked in groups and had a six-hour time slot to manage an aspect of the design process, from sketching an idea to creating a 3D mock-up of a product.

The challenge gives students a feel for the real-life scenario of understanding a brief, creating a storyboard, and working to tight deadlines.

Project submissions are with the industry professionals, and some of the companies have requested further development of the projects.

Well done to our Brunel Design School students!