The Leathersellers Company Charitable Fund
We support undergraduate students at UK Universities whose circumstances may otherwise prevent them from achieving their goals. Our current focus is care experienced students and former pupils of our associated schools. (UK Students)
More information can be found here
The Leverhulme Trust
If your parent or spouse is a grocer, pharmacist or commercial traveller, or you are employed yourself in this capacity, you could qualify for a bursary of up to £3,000 a year towards the cost of an undergraduate degree. (UK Students)
More information can be found here
Royal Air Force (RAF)
Royal Air Force (RAF): bursaries or sponsorships for university students looking for a full-time medical role in the RAF. (UK Students)
Royal Medical Benevolent Fund
The grant to assist students in their penultimate or final year facing exceptional hardship. (UK and international students)
More information can be found here
Student Health Association Assistance Fund
Funds of up to £500 to help students with disabilities to keep up with their studies.(UK Students)
More information can be found here
The Victoria Foundation
Grants for students facing financial hardship to help purchase books, equipment, medical instruments and fund transport costs to hospital or elective placements. (UK students from a WP background)
More information can be found here
Black Heart Foundation
These are for students who are under-resourced from deprived areas (UK students from a WP background)
More information can be found here
Sidney Perry Foundation
This only helps with second degrees where first degree was at least a 2:1. No help in first year. Grants up to £1,000; students must be under 35 years old at the start of the course. (UK and Home students)
More information can be found here
Personal support and mentoring
Amos Bursary
A programme to support British students of African and Caribbean descent, who have excelled at school and have not allowed their environments, personal circumstances, or the pressures of living in London, to cloud their vision or to hamper their dreams. Student in Yr 12 can apply and will receive support and mentoring throughout their university studies.
More information can be found here
In2scienceUK exists to unlock the potential of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and boost diversity and inclusion in the sector to ensure the UK remains at the forefront of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) based industries.
More information can be found here
Social Mobility Foundation
The Aspiring Professionals Programme supports students from Year 12, lower sixth or S5 through to their first graduate job. It's completely free of charge.
More information can be found here