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Co-Innovate Introduction

Discover the dynamic fusion of collaboration and innovation embodied in Co-Innovate. We specialises in delivering innovative support services tailored for SMEs, entrepreneurs, and start-ups in London. Co-Innovate, as its name suggests, combines the power of collaboration and innovation to provide access to BUL academic expertise and student talent, driving transformative outcomes through collaborative endeavours. Let us guide and nurture your collaborative innovation projects, connecting you with the right students and academics for unparalleled success. For further details, visit


Browse our case studies

Farah Qureshi - Farah Qureshi Jewellery
It has been great to have been offered the opportunity to be an ambassador at Brunel University London. I have in the past and currently collaborate with the university on a variety of different projects, working alongside the students.

Farah Qureshi - Farah Qureshi Jewellery

Britain Stelly - Creature Courage
What I can say is that both the students and professors I have worked with have been brilliant and helped me a lot and I'm very grateful to them.

Britain Stelly - Creature Courage

Richard Hyams - Director at Astudio
I am delighted to be a Co-Innovate Company Ambassador for Brunel University as I have seen first-hand the benefit of involving academic institutions and the energy students and their professors bring to a project.

Richard Hyams - Director at Astudio

Lubna Samara - HigherWill
It was great to have insight into the world of innovation and sustainability from Professor Robert Holdway. He not only has extensive insight and experience into his subject, but his enthusiasm for innovation & sustainability, and for sharing of his knowledge transmits in spades. He took pains to make the workshop relevant for each one of us participants. The event was very well organised and supported by staff who were helpful to us participants and paid attention to detail. Apart from learning a lot during the masterclasses, the Co-Innovate program offers a lot of support, fresh ideas and guidance a small business can trust - they’re not there to sell you anything just to bring benefit to both parties and that’s priceless.

Lubna Samara - HigherWill

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Supporting London's new and growing businesses