Unlocking international markets for family run business

Help to Grow launches SME on a successful learning journey

The need

Prowise was founded in 2015 by Managing Director Rikesh Kothari and his wife, and has grown since then to employ eight people today. The firm first took an interest in Help to Grow when it began to consider some new strategic directions. 

Prowise’s Help to Grow learning journey included strategic growth, positioning within the ecosystem, developing people as an asset and technology as an accelerator.

Prowise is entering a new phase of growth, targeting international sales and aiming to get its products listed on more retail outlets and online stores, so the business needs to develop its skills.

"When we started out, all we had was an idea. Every couple of years, our goals change. We really want to expand and grow, and we need some guidance to help us move forward", said Rikesh Kothari. 

The solution

Brunel’s Help to Grow Management Programme helped to boost the performance and resilience of Prowise Healthcare in the following ways:

  • The strategy and Innovation module guided Rikesh to review Prowise healthcare’s business model in relation to current and future market opportunities.
  • The module on Digital Adoption helped him understand what stage their business has currently reached on the pathway to digital adoption from digitisation to digital transformation and identified priority areas for development.
  • The vision, Mission and Values module helped him to explore the role of Prowise Healthcare's business vision, values and brand in supporting organisational culture and employee engagement to achieve positive outcomes.
  • Developing a Marketing Strategy module guided him to Explore the avenues of market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) in the context of a competitive environment and business. Also, he applied the knowledge of customer persona to understand his customer segmentation.
  • Rikesh identified the appropriate strategies for successfully leading change in an inclusive and engaging way and developed a growth plan to implement approaches that enhance employee engagement with the knowledge he gained from Employee Engagement and Leading Change module.
  • Workbook exercises on Efficient operations (Module 10) guided Rikesh to navigate through practical tools to engage employees to build a continuous improvement culture, challenge existing operational performance frontiers and create new performance frontiers unique to your business.

The outcome

  • Working closely with Brunel HTGM’s facilitators, Prowise Healthcare adopted an internal resources management system to track resources and improve its internal processes.
  • The business engaged four social media influencers to explain the product’s journey from sourcing raw ingredients in India to home delivery, and to highlight the products’ natural origin.
  • New features were introduced on the firm’s website with the aim of attracting 30% more customers: WhatsApp, newsletter service, Subscribe and save options and refer a friend scheme.
  • Frequent updates on the company’s website increased sales by 25%
  • The company committed to 100% recyclable products by 2024. Prowise product packaging is currently 95% recyclable, with the elusive final 5% represented by printing inks.
  • The marketing and nutrition teams were expanded to increase the brand value of Prowise Healthcare.
  • Through its membership in the Help to Grow’s alumni support network, the company is aiming to hire Brunel graduates for its future positions

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Case study last modified 25/06/2024

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