Supporting Brunel

As a corporate social responsibility, many businesses have been 'giving back' to the university to support its staff and students, which always has a fantastic impact. Giving a contribution to the university, be it financial or non-financial, can also enable some really positive exposure for a business both on campus and in the wider community.

There are a range of ways you can support Brunel: 


Companies including GlaxoSmithKline, RBS, Haart Estate Agents and Hayward Tyler have taken a different corporate social responsibility route by participating in professional mentoring schemes for students and graduates. As a mentor, you support a mentee by sharing your knowledge, experience and expertise from the industry to develop their own learning and development.


Sponsoring a student prize is also a fantastic way to give back and build a company’s brand. Crown Packaging, Bosch and Airbus have been doing this for quite some time by awarding students for academic achievement through sponsoring design/engineering prizes at exhibitions.


Some organisations have sponsored a student(s) by providing funding for the duration of their studies with the idea to then recruit the student once they have graduated. By giving back and financially supporting students you are contributing to their training and development making them a more skilful employee for your business.


There are a few different types of scholarships, but usually they are all based on some sort of excellence – be it academic, sporting or other talent. This is an official award which is usually a reduction in tuition fees, or extra money to assist with living costs. The difference between this form of contribution is that it is a bit more competitive as you set the eligibility and then a student(s) are selected.

For example, if you are a business consultancy firm you may want to sponsor a student who will be studying a business related degree as long as they meet the GCSE and A level requirements of a B grade in Maths and English GCSE and ABB at A level. Similar to bursaries the benefit of this to an employer is that you are contributing to their training and development and you will know 3/4 years in advance that you will have a highly skilled member of staff coming to work for your organisation. Not only that, but it is good to be known for investing in a young workforce as part of your corporate social responsibility. 

Financial support

It may be that you would like to contribute a donation to the university to support the service we provide to our students, and the local community. That can be in a range of ways such as making a donation for an event, sponsoring the development of a new academic building or just giving a general financial contribution to help with the day to day running of the university are great ways in supporting Brunel. 

If you would like to support Brunel University London please let us know by completing the form below.  

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