Dr. Crina Grosan has become a new board member for the Data Journal


Dr. Crina Grosan, from the Department of Computer Science at Brunel University London, has recently been appointed as an editorial board member for the prestigious Data Journal (ISSN 2306-5729).

According to the Editor-in-Chief Data Journal “is an open-access journal that publishes scientific data in a reliable, citable, and accountable manner. Data grants the opportunity to formally share valuable data,  for academic credit.  It covers a  wide range of disciplines in which data is generated so that published data is discoverable and available for wider re-use. The journal has highly accomplished scientists from a variety of disciplines on the editorial board. The publication emphasizes clarity, honesty,  quality,  and novelty and has a  rigorous peer-review process. We strongly encourage you to share your data vision in Data.”

The scope of Data includes description of data and the methodologies used in the collection and treatment of scholarly or scientific research data and experiment data, data in Bioscience, data in Healthcare and Medicine, data in Geoscience, data in Physics, data collection and data acquisition, data processing, data analysis, data maintenance and data integrity, data curation, data management systems and data compression.