Professor Simon J E Taylor awarded 2024 Distinguished Contribution Award

SImon Taylor SIGSIM award2
Professor Simon J E Taylor receiving the Distinguished Contribution Award from Professor Andreas Tolk, the current ACM SIGSIM Chair.

Professor Simon Taylor from the Department of Computer Science, and Vice Dean (Research) for the College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences, was awarded the 2024 Distinguished Contribution Award from the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group for Simulation and Modelling (ACM SIGSIM) at the Winter Simulation Conference 2024 in Orlando, Florida.

The award recognizes Simon’s outstanding contributions to the Modelling and Simulation community, especially in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare and international development. He is a former ACM SIGSIM Chair and has been an active member of the ACM SIGSIM Steering Committee since 2005.  He will be the General Chair for next year’s Winter Simulation Conference in Seattle, Washington.