At Brunel we place great importance on projects that are both theoretical and investigative as well as how the usefulness and impact of this research benefits the wider non-academic community. Total number of results: 43 Grown up - children from military families AI Handbook: Exploring applications, challenges, and future trends Public imagination of the Himalayas through the lens of indigenous communities Conversations of Diversifying Education: Voices from Local Communities (CODES) The role of ICT in supporting Sri Lanka's indigenous communities Maximising UK Adaptation to Climate Change (MACC) Hub Equitable Climate Adaptation Pathways for the Precariously Housed (PATH) Deterrence and the criminalisation of irregular migration Doing good, growing strong: Catalysing economic and social impact in Jordan Exploring cultural divisions and social change in Britain Governing immersive biomedical tech, health and human rights in the Metaverse B Corporations and Corporate Social Entrepreneurship 1 2 3 4 ❯