Student Centre

The Student Centre, located on the ground floor of the Howell Building, provides a range of administrative services and support to all students.

We will help you with registration and re-enrolment, for the duration of your course, until your graduation.

The Student Centre should be your first port of call for any administrative enquiries, including:

  • Student records and general administration, including enrolment, name changes and travel discounts (such as the Student Oyster Card)
  • Finance enquiries, including tuition fee and accommodation payments and invoices, student loans support, scholarships and bursaries
  • The University Hardship Fund and Emergency Loan information as well as help from the Money Doctors.
  • Help with Parking Permits to park on campus, including support with permit applications, lost/damaged permits and change of vehicle registration. Applications can be made, once you are fully enrolled, through eVision
  • Student ID cards, including replacement cards and access enquiries
  • Help with accessing eVision and Blackboard, including logging in, password resets and task activity support for eVision
  • Student letters to help you open a bank account, apply for council tax exemption and general student status confirmation letters for everything in between (many of these can also be requested via eVision once you are fully enrolled)
  • Our Immigration Team can help you with any of your student visa questions such as visa extensions, help with in country applications

The Student Centre Intranet pages