The West London Assessment Centre


Following some recent changes to the Disabled Students' Allowances (DSA), the West London Assessment Centre is now permanently closed.


Please contact your funding body if you are seeking support or trying to retrieve any documentation.


Student Finance England (SFE) DSA team

Please have your customer reference number (CRN) ready. This is an 11-digit number which can be found at the top of any letters or emails received from Student Finance England.

0300 100 0607


Student Finance Wales DSA (SFW) DSA team

Please have your customer reference number (CRN) ready. This is an 11-digit number which can be found at the top of any letters or emails received from Student Finance Wales.

0300 100 0602


Students with NHS bursaries

Please have your Personal Reference Number (PRN) ready.

Phone: 0300 330 1345
Enquiry form:


Other funding bodies

Contact details will be in your Needs Assessment Report. If you experience any difficulty, contact the disability team at your institution for advice.