(In Press) Aikin, J., Chun, C., Hall, R. and Mayhew, D., Internally 4-Connected Binary Matroids with Cyclically Sequential Orderings, Discrete Mathematics BURA
(In Press) Akemann, G., Bittner, E., Phillips, M.J. and Shifrin, L., A Wigner Surmise for Hermitian and Non-Hermitian Chiral Random Matrices, Physical Review E: Rapid Communications BURA
(In Press) Akemann, G., Fischmann, J. and Vivo, P., Universal Correlations and Power-Law Tails in Financial Covariance Matrices, Physica A BURA
(In Press) Consoli, S., Darby-Dowman, K., Mladenovic, N. and Moreno-Perez, J.A., Variable Neighbourhood Search for the Minimum Labelling Steiner Tree Problem, Annals of Operational Research
(In Press) Consoli, S., Moreno-Perez, J.A., Darby-Dowman, K. and Mladenovic, N., Discrete particle Swarm Optimization for the Minimum Labelling Steiner Tree Problem, Natural Computing
(In Press) Date, P., Lade, R.J., Mitra, G. and Moore, P.E., Modelling the Risk of Failure in Explosion Protection Installations, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries BURA
(Accepted) Fabbri, I.M., Lucianetti, A. and Krasikov, I., On A Sturm Liouville Periodic Boundary Values Problem, Integral Transforms and Special Functions
(Accepted) Fyodorov, Y.V. and Williams, I., Replica Symmetry Breaking Condition Exposed by Random Matrix Calculation of Landscape Complexity, J. Stat. Phys.
(Accepted) Krasikov, I. and Zarkh, A., On Zeros of Discrete Orthogonal Polynomials, J. Approx. Theory
(Accepted) Masucci, A.P. and Rodgers, G.J., The Network of Commuters in London, Physica A
Abul-Magd, A.Y., Akemann, G. and Vivo, P., Superstatistical Generalizations of Wishart-Laguerre Ensembles of Random Matrices, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42 (17) : 175207 BURA
Akemann, G., Phillips, M.J. and Shifrin, L., Gap Probabilities in Non-Hermitian Random Matrix Theory, Journal of Mathematical Physics 50 (6) : 063504 BURA
Akemann, G., Phillips, M.J. and Sommers, H.-J., Characteristic Polynomials in Real Ginebre Ensembles, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42 (1) : 012001 BURA
Canakgoz, N.A. and Beasley, J.E., Mixed-Integer Programming Approaches for Index Tracking and Enhanced Indexation, European Journal of Operational Research 196 (1) : 384-399
Consoli, S., Darby-Dowman, K., Mladenovic, N. and Moreno-Perez, J.A., Greedy Randomised Adaptive Search and Variable Neighbourhood Search for the Minimum Labelling Spanning Tree Problem, European Journal of Operational Research 196 (2) : 440-449
Date, P. and Wang, C., Linear Gaussian Affine Term Structure Models with Unobservable Factors: Calibration and Yield Forecasting, European Journal of Operations Research 195 : 156-166 BURA
Hall, R., On Contracting Hyperplane Elements from a 3-Connected Matroid, Advances in Applied Mathematics 43 (1) : 12-23 BURA
Khoruzhenko, B.A., Savin, D.V. and Sommers, H.-J., Systematic Approach to Statistics of Conductance and Shot-noise in Chaotic Cavities, Physical Review B 80 (12) : 125301
Maraghi, F.A., Madan, K.C. and Darby-Dowman, K., Batch Arrival Queueing with Random Breakdowns and Bernoulli Schedule Server Vacations Having General Vacation Time Distribution, International Journal of Information and Management Sciences 20 (1) : 55-70
Merino, C. and Noble, S.D., The Equivalence of Two Graph Polynomial and a Symmetric Function, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 18 : 601-615 BURA
Planes, F.J. and Beasley, J.E., Path Finding Approaches and Metabolic Pathways, Discrete Applied Mathematics 157 (10) : 2244-2256
Poli, C., Savin, D.V., Legrand, O. and Mortessagne, F., Statistics of Resonance States in Open Chaotic Systems: A Perturbative Approach, Physical Review E 80 (4) : 046203
Akemann, G. and Damgaard, P.H., Individual Eigenvalue Distributions of Chiral Random Two-Matrix Theory and the Determination of F-pi, Journal of High Energy Physics 03 : (2008)073 BURA
Akemann, G. and Vivo, P., Power Law Deformation of Wishart-Laguerre Ensembles of Random Matrices, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment BURA
Akemann, G., Basilie, F. and Lellouch, L., Finite Size Scaling of Meson Propagators with Isospin Chemical Potential, Journal of High Energy Physics 12 : (2008)069 BURA
Akemann, G., Bloch, J., Shifrin, L. and Wettig, T., Individual Complex Dirac Eigenvalue Distributions from Random Matrix Theory and Lattice QCD at Nonzero Chemical Potential, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 (032002) BURA
Alfonso, F., Alvarez, M.J. and Beasley, J.E., A Tabu Search Algorithm for the Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem With Multiple Vehicle Trips and Accessibility Restrictions, Journal of the Operational Research Society 59 (7) : 963-976
Bedogne, C., Masucci, A.P. and Rodgers, G.J., Diophantine Networks, Physica A 387 : 2161 BURA
Date, P., Jalen, L. and Mamon, R., A New Algorithm for Latent State Estimation in Nonlinear Time Series Models, Applied Mathematics and Computation 203 : 224-232
Date, P., Mamon, R. and Jalen, L., A New Moment Matching Algorithm for Sampling From Partially Specified Symmetric Distributions, Operations Research Letters 36 : 669-672 BURA
Hall, R. and Mayhew, D., Contracting an Element from a Cocircuit, Advances in Applied Mathematics 41 (4) : 510-529 BURA
Krasikov, I., On Erdelyi-Magnus-Nevai Conjecture for Jacobi Polynomials, Constr. Approx. 28 : 113-125
Planes, F.J. and Beasley, J.E., A Critical Examination of Stoichiometric and Path-Finding Approaches to Metabolic Pathways, Briefings in Bioinformatics 9 (5) : 422-436
Savin, D.V., Sommers, H.-J. and Wieczorek, W., Nonlinear Statistics of Quantum Transport in Chaotic Cavities, Physical Review B 77 : 125332
Akemann, G., Matrix Models and QCD with Chemical Potential, International Journal of Modern Physics A 22 (6) : 1077-1122 BURA
Akemann, G. and Basile, F., Massive Partition Functions and Complex Eigenvalue Correlations in Matrix Models with Symplectic Symmetry, Nucl. Phys. B 766 (1-3) : 150-177 BURA
Akemann, G. and Kanzieper, E., Integrable Structure of Ginibre's Ensemble of Real Random Matrices and a Pfaffian Integration Theorem, Journal of Statistical Physics 129 : 1159-1231 BURA
Akemann, G. and Shifrin, L., A Generalisation of Dyson's Integration Theorem for Determinants, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (F785) BURA
Akemann, G., Damgaard, P.H., Osborn, J.C. and Splittorff, K., A New Chiral Two-Matrix theory for Dirac Spectra with Imaginary Chemical Potential, Nuclear Physics B 766 : 34-67 BURA
Basile, F. and Akemann, G., Equivalence of QCD in the Epsilon-Regime and Chiral Random Matrix Theory With or Without Chemical Potential, Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) 12 (043) BURA
Beasley, J.E. and Planes, F.J., Recovering Metabolic Pathways Via Optimization, Bioinformatics 23 : 92-98
Bedogne, C. and Rodgers, G.J., A Continuous Model of Human Dynamics, Physica A 385 : 356-362
Date, P., Mamon, R.S. and Wang, I., Valuation of Cash Flows with Random Rates of Interest: A Linear Algebraic Approach, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 41 (1) : 84-95 BURA
Deift, P., Its, A., Krasovsky, I. And Zhou, X., The Widom-Dyson Constant for the Gap Probability in Random Matrix Theory, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 202 (1) : 26-47
Fyodorov, Y.V., Sommers, H.J. and Williams, I., Density of Stationary Points in a High Dimensional Random Energy Landscape and the Onset of Glassy Behaviour, JETP Letters 85 (5) : 261-266
Hall, R., Oxley, J. and Semple, C., The Structure of 3-Connected Matroids of Path Width Three, European Journal of Combinatorics 28 (3) : 964-989 BURA
Hawkes, R. and Date, P., Medium Term Volatilty Forecasting: A Comparitive Study, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 23 : 465-481
Hellervik, A. and Rodgers, G.J., A Power Law Distribution in Patients' Length of Stay in Hospital, Physica A 379 : 235-240 BURA
Krasikov, I., An Upper Bound on Jacobi Polynomials, J. Approx. Theory 149 (2) : 116-130
Krasikov, I., Inequalities for Orthonormal Laguerre Polynomials, J. Approx. Theory 144 (1) : 1-26
Krasovsky, I.V., Correlations of the Characteristic Polynomials in the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble or a Singular Hankel Determinant, Duke Mathematical Journal 139 (3) : 581-619
Kujawski, B., Holyst, J.A. and Rodgers, G.J., Growing Networks in Internet Discussion Groups and Forums, Physical Review E 76 (036103)
Kujawski, B., Tadic, B. and Rodgers, G.J., Preferential Behaviour and Scaling in Diffusive Dynamics on Networks, New Journal of Physics 9 : 154 BURA
Masucci, A.P. and Rodgers, G.J., Multi-Directed Eulerian Growing Networks, Physica A 386 : 557-563
Sommers, H.-J., Wieczorek, W. and Savin, D.V., Statistics of Conductance and Shot-Noise Power for Chaotic Cavities, Acta Physica Polonica A 112 : 691-697
Tadic, B., Rodgers, G.J. and Thurner, S., Transport on Complex Networks: Flow, Jamming and Optimization, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 17 : 2363-2385 BURA
Wyld, A. and Rodgers, G.J., Models of Random Graphs with Variable Strength Edges, Physica A 374 : 491-500
Akemann, G. and Bittner, E., Unquenched Complex Dirac Spectra at Nonzero Chemical Potential: Two-Colour QCD Lattice Data Versus Matrix Model, Physical Review Letters 96 : 222002 (1-4) BURA
Bedogne, C. and Rodgers, G.J., Complex Growing Networks with Intrinsic Vertex Fitness, Physical Review E 74 (046115)
Keating, J.P., Marklof, J. and Williams, I.G., Nodal Domain Statistics for Quantum Maps, Percolation and Stochastic Loewner Evolution, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97:034101
Krasikov, I., On Extreme Zeros of Classical Orthogonal Polynomials, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 193 : 168-182
Krasikov, I., Uniform Bounds for Bessel Functions, Journal of Applied Analysis 12 (1) : 83-92
Kujawski, B., Rodgers, G.J. and Tadic, B., Local Information Based Algorithms for Packet Transport in Complex Networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3993 : 1024-1031
Masucci, A.P. and Rodgers, G.J., Network Properties of Written Human Language, Physical Review E 74 (026102) BURA
Noble, S.D., Evaluating the Rank Generating Function of a Graphic 2-Polymatroid, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 15 (3) : 449-461 BURA
Pinol, H. and Beasley, J.E., Scatter Search and Bionomic Algorithms for the Aircraft Landing Problem, European Journal of Operational Research 171 (2) : 439-462
Savin, D.V. and Sommers, H.-J., Shot Noise in Chaotic Cavities with an Arbitrary Number of Open Channels, Physical Review B 73 : 081307(R)
Savin, D.V., Fyodorov, F.Y. and Sommers, H.-J., Correlation Functions of Impedance and Scattering Matrix Elements in Chaotic Absorbing Cavities, Acta Physica Polonica A 109 : 53-64
Savin, D.V., Legrand, O. and Mortessagne, F., Inhomogeneous Losses and Complexness of Wave Functions in Chaotic Cavities, Europhysics Letters 76 (5) : 774-779 BURA
Akemann, G., The Complex Laguerre Sympletic Ensemble of Non-Hermitian Matrices, Nuclear Physics B 730 : 253-299 BURA
Akemann, G., Bittner, E., Lombardo, M-P., Markum, H. and Pullirsch, R., Density Profiles of Small Dirac Operator Eigenvalues for Two Color QCD at Nonzero Chemical Potential Compared to Matrix Models, Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 140 : 568-570 BURA
Akemann, G., Osborn, J.C., Splittorff, K. and Verbaarschot, Unquenched QCD Dirac Operator Spectra at Nonzero Baryon Chemical Potential, Nuclear Physics B 712 (1-2) : 287-324 BURA
Date, P. and Cantoni, M., A Bound on Closed-Loop Performance Based on Finite Frequency Response Samples, Systems and Control Letters 54 (5) : 447-454
Date, P. and Cantoni, M., On Validating Closed-Loop Behaviour From Noisy Frequency Response Measurements, Systems and Control Letters 54 (6) : 607-612 BURA
Fyodorov, Y.V., Savin, D.V. and Sommers, H.-J., Scattering, Refelction and Impedance of Waves in Chaotic and Disordered Systems with Absorption, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38 : 10731-10760
Hall, R., A Chain Theorem for 4-Connected Matroids, Journal of Combinatorial Theory 93 (1) : 45-66 BURA
Hall, R., Oxley, J. and Semple, C., The Structure of Equivalent 3-Separations in a 3-Connected Matroid, Advances in Applied Mathematics 35 (2) : 123-181 BURA
Kanzieper, E. and Akemann, G., Statistics of Real Eigenvalues in Ginibre's Ensemble of Random Real Matrices, Phys. Rev. Lett 95 : 230201 (1-4) BURA
Kanzieper, E. and Akemann, G., Towards Spectral Theory of Ginibre's Ensemble of Real Random Matrices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (230201)
Kim, D.-H., Rodgers, G.J., Kahng, B. and Kim, D., Modelling Hierarchical and Modular Complex Networks: Division and Independence, Physica A 351 : 671-679
Kim, D.-H., Rodgers, G.J., Kahng, B. and Kim, D., Spin Glass Phase Transition on Scale Free Networks, Physical Review E 71 : 056115 BURA
Krasikov, I., Turan Inequalities and Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials, Methods and Applications of Analysis 12 (1) : 75-88
Krasikov, I., On the Maximum Value of Jacobi Polynomials, Journal of Approximation Theory 136 (1) : 1-20
Krasikov, I., Inequalities for Laguerre Polynomials, East Journal on Approximations 11 (3) : 257-268
Nwana, V., Darby-Dowman, K. and Mitra, G., A Co-operative Parallel Heuristic for Mixed Zero-One Linear Programming: Combining Simulated Annealing with Branch and Bound, European Journal of Operational Research 164 (1) : 12-23 BURA
Rawal, S. and Rodgers, G.J., Modelling the Gap Size Distribution of Parked Cars, Physica A 346 : 621-630
Rawal, S., Rodgers, G.J. and Yap, Y.J., Modelling the Distribution of Salaries, Physica A 357 : 477-484
Rodgers, G.J., Austin, K., Kahng, B. and Kim, D., Eigenvalue Spectra of Complex Networks, Journal of Physics A 38 : 9431-9437 BURA