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Brunel Brazil Initiative – Inaugural event celebrated collaboration and culture

Brunel's Dr Paula Westenberger and Dr Marcus Vinicius De Matos, along with Prof Daniela Barcellos and Prof Juliana Neuenschwander from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

The Brunel Brazil Initiative — an international collaboration and research partnership between Brunel University of London and Brazil’s State University of Rio de Janeiro and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro — had its inaugural public event at Brunel from 16 to 18 October to showcase its work and celebrate Brazilian culture.

Along with academics from all three universities, the three-day event was attended by a representative from the Embassy of Brazil, and 40 Vice-Chancellors from universities across Brazil. Attendees heard panel-led discussions, gained insights into strategic research methods and had a samba-drum workshop to celebrate traditional Brazilian music. 


Prof Jonathan Wastling, Brunel’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor, with Minister-Counsellor Alexandre Brasil da Silva, Deputy Head of Mission for the Embassy of Brazil.

The Brunel Brazil Initiative was hosted by Brunel’s Dr Marcus Vinicius De Matos, Senior Lecturer in Law, who formed the initiative last November. The academic network was designed to strengthen international partnerships and collaborate on research and transnational education projects.  

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                            Dr Marcus Vinicius De Matos speaking at the event

The inaugural event included a panel-led discussion on the initiative’s global research project on human rights and climate change. Led by Dr De Matos, the British Council funded project began in November 2023 and will finish next month. 

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 Panel discussing the research project into human rights and climate change  - Lt to rt: Juliano Cavali,
 President of the Brazilian Association of Students and Researchers, 
Minister-Counsellor Alexandre
 Brasil da Silva, Deputy Head of Mission for the Embassy of Brazil in the UK, 
Brunel’s Dr Marcus De Matos,
Dr Mary Richards, Reader and Division lead for Transdisciplinary Studies 
in Global Change and Dr Paula
Westenberger, Senior Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law, who chaired the panel.

Dr De Matos was thrilled with the three-day event which succeeded in showcasing Brunel’s engagement with higher education institutions, research, funders and Brazilian culture. “The event was the result of a whole year’s work in building partnerships, strengthening research networks and joint teaching collaboration between Brunel, the State University of Rio de Janeiro, and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,” he said. 


                 Dr Marcus Vinicius De Matos with academics from Brazil’s State University of Rio de Janeiro 
                 and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro       

“I hope the event will open up more collaborations with Brazilian universities and stronger relations with funding agencies. I am thankful for all the support I have received from Brunel in delivering the Brunel Brazil Initiative."


                       Attendees taking part in the African-Brazilian drumming workshop

Reported by:

Nadine Palmer, Media Relations
+44 (0)1895 267090