Brunel in Top 100 list of LGBTQ+ inclusive employers

Campus flags photo by Jessica Kath

The ongoing work to make Brunel University London an even better place to be an LGBTQ+ staff member – those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or queer – has resulted in the university's appearance for the first time on the Stonewall Top 100 Employers list, launched today.

Brunel is now ranked 88th out of all UK organisations, and the 10th-placed university, in the latest of a series of leaps up the annual list.

Stonewall is Europe's largest charity for LGBTQ+ rights, and the league table of employers, compiled from its Workplace Equality Index, helps demonstrate to prospective staff that organisations are an inclusive and attractive place to work.

In an announcement made halfway through LGBT+ History Month, Stonewall also renewed the silver award they first gave to Brunel last year in recognition of being an LGBTQ+ inclusive employer.

Jessica Kath, the coordinator of Brunel's LGBTQ+ staff network, said: “At Brunel, we are committed to creating an LGBTQ+ friendly culture and learning environment, free from discrimination, harassment or victimisation for all.

“With colleagues across the whole campus, we are always working to help make Brunel a place where everyone can bring their best selves to work, and a place where all our students feel safe and included.

“Our year-on-year rise in the Workplace Equality Index is a demonstration of the progress we continue to make as a university. I want to personally thank the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion teams, senior leadership, LGBTQ+ network members and everyone who contributes to making Brunel a positive and welcoming place for LGBTQ+ staff and students.

“We are proud of what we've achieved so far. Our Top 100 placement is recognition and reward for this, and spurs us to continue working towards eliminating discrimination and other negative experiences in the workplace.”

Dr Survjit Cheeta, Brunel's Dean of Culture and Inclusion, added: “At our university, we increasingly focus on the importance of belonging, and an important part of this is that everyone within our community should be able to express themselves and their sexuality with pride and without fear of discrimination, violence and harassment.

“Inclusive workplace environments are safer and better for everyone – not just LGBTQ+ people. The LGBTQ+ network and their allies should be commended for how much they've contributed towards this goal.

“Brunel is a diverse institution, and it is through inclusivity that we can create a shared environment in which everyone has a voice and sense of belonging so we can reach our full potential. My hope is that the entire Brunel community continues to lead and inspire on our equality, diversity and inclusivity mission. This announcement is a celebration for our LGBTQ+ community, so please let us all join in to congratulate them.”


Find out more about Brunel's LGBTQ+ Staff Network.

Reported by:

Joe Buchanunn, Media Relations
+44 (0)1895 268821