Institute for Fiscal Studies highlights earnings boost for Brunel graduates


Brunel University London's maths and sport science courses have been highlighted by the Institute for Fiscal Studies as making a significant positive difference to graduates' earning prospects.

In figures published on the BBC News website, Brunel's maths courses are listed as 7th out of all maths offerings in the country for boosting salaries, with a more than £10,000 earnings premium for both men and women.

Using the IFS's methodology, Brunel's sports science courses rank 5th for boosting earnings, and both history and creative arts and design also make top-10 appearances.

The stats show graduate earnings for students in England 5 years after leaving the university, relative to the average degree for a man or a woman. The IFS adjusted figures to take into account students' background and how well they were doing academically before university, in order to isolate how much degree courses at each of the UK's universities added value and improved potential.

The IFS's research is based in part on longitudinal education outcomes data from England's Department for Education, which uses earnings of students graduating between 2008 and 2012.

Reported by:

Joe Buchanunn, Media Relations
+44 (0)1895 268821