New Brunel Design School appoints inaugural head

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The newly established Brunel Design School has appointed inclusive design expert Professor Hua Dong as its inaugural head.

Prof Dong will lead Brunel University London’s efforts to bring its physical and digital design courses into one world-leading institution, inspired by the engineering legacy of its namesake, Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

“Brunel Design School brings design and digital media together, promising a very positive change to the way we nurture future Brunel innovators,” said Prof Dong, who started her career at the university as a lecturer and then senior lecturer in design, before taking up professorships at Tongji University, China, and Loughborough University.

 “Brunel Design has a strong tradition; Brunel Design School will provide the ideal future-facing environment and culture for creative thinkers and makers made in Brunel.”

Prof Dong completed her PhD research at the Cambridge Engineering Design Centre and was appointed as the editor of the Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT) in 2014. She has co-edited four Springer books.

As an expert in inclusive design, Prof Dong has published more than 100 papers in English and Chinese, edited special issues for the Design for All Newsletter in India, and Design Magazine in China.

She shares her passion and expertise in inclusive design through keynote speeches at international conferences and initiating new courses and research programmes, and has extensive experience in providing specialised design consultancy to industries in the UK, Finland and China.

Notably, Professor Dong helped the Chinese multinational technology company, Alibaba Group, to engage in inclusive design and publish inclusive design guidelines. She also collaborated with the largest stationery manufacturer in China and received Red Star Awards – the country’s most sought-after industrial design accolades.

“I am excited to come back and feel honoured to be appointed Inaugural Head of Brunel Design School,” said Prof Dong.

For further information on Brunel Design School, please visit:


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