Support for those affected by events in Israel and Gaza


Following the attacks by Hamas and subsequent military action by Israel, we know that many members of the Brunel community will be experiencing distress. Our thoughts are with everyone affected at this difficult time.

We will do everything we can to support those who are or will be affected. It is a worrying time for all of us and particularly so for some.

At Brunel, we pride ourselves on being a truly international, inclusive and respectful community where we can all study, work, socialise and live safely. We ask everyone to continue to respect and support each other. We want to remind everyone that we will never tolerate any incidents of racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, abuse, incitement or harassment.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely and strongly recommend that you follow Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office advice regarding any travel to the region.

If you need advice or support please do not hesitate to contact our University support and welfare services.

If you see or experience any form of harassment or discrimination please let our 24/7 campus security team know or report it through our Report and Support system. Issues can be reported anonymously and we will take every incident seriously.

For staff

Care first, our Employee Assistance Programme can help with a wide range of work, family and personal issues, it's free and available to everyone working at Brunel 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Details of further wellbeing support services are available on the intranet or you can speak to your line manager or HR Business Partner for advice.

For students

The Student Support and Welfare Team offer support and guidance on a range of personal, welfare, wellbeing and financial issues. They can be contacted by phone, +44 (0) 1895 267045 or email and in-person appointments can also be arranged.

We know that some students may find it difficult to focus on their work at this time. Anyone who feels their academic work is being affected should talk to their tutor in the first instance or our Extenuating Circumstances policy is also there for support.

Our Student Support and Wellbeing team is already assisting students who are affected and we will continue to do everything we can to support members of our community who find themselves in difficult or dangerous circumstances.

Further support

Our Meeting House is open to all and our chaplaincy team are available if you want to have an informal conversation about anything that is impacting or worrying you. You can call them on +44 (0)1895 267253, email or drop in to the Meeting House 9am-4pm Monday to Friday.

Reported by:

Press Office, Media Relations
+44 (0)1895 266867