Nursing Practice Education Hub

Welcome to Brunel’s Nursing Practice Education Hub for or clinical staff who support, supervise and assess our students.

We hope you find it useful in providing additional avenues of guidance and information to support you in clinical practice. Practice Education puts into practice strategies that will help the student to be successful in achieving the required competencies in the placement settings to enable you to register with the NMC.

To achieve this, it is recognised that as students are central to achieving and getting the most out of your practice learning. The NMC state that ‘Students should be empowered to take control of and responsibility for their own learning, and to self-direct their learning if safe and appropriate’ (NMC, 2019). You can therefore expect to be provided with opportunities to develop your own practice and to work towards becoming an independent, reflective, and professional practitioner. This will entail learning to provide care across a range of different clinical environments that will enable you to meet your learning outcomes and experience a variety of healthcare situations. In line with your programme requirements, the practice learning environments should include a mix of acute and community. 

Useful Contacts 

Sarah Ambrose Willson (Programme Lead for Nursing Associate)
T +44 (0)1895 267454 | E

Dr Michelle Carter (Practice Education Lead for Nursing)
T +44(0)1895 265234 | E

Out of hours contact

Supervisors and assessors must follow their own organisation's internal escalation process before deciding to use the contact numbers below. If the University is closed and you have an urgent student concern, which cannot wait until the University re-opens, please use the contact numbers below to speak to University staff urgently:

Policy, guidance, and procedures

  • Practice Education Handbook (.pdf download)
  • Raising and Escalating Concerns Guidance For Students (.pdf download)
  • Standards of Dress, Uniform and Personal Appearance Policy (.pdf download)
  • Professional Suitability Procedure (.pdf download)

Apprentice Nurse Associate

Expectations of Apprentice Nursing Associates

By the end of Year 1 Guided participation in care and performing with increasing knowledge, skills and confidence.

By the end of Year 2 Practising independently with minimal supervision, provides and monitors care, demonstrating increasing knowledge, skills and confidence.  

Nursing Associate Apprenticeship Programme Hours

The Nursing Associate Apprenticeship Programme provides students with sufficient programme hours and length to meet the ‘Standards of proficiency for nursing associates’ (2019) which is no less than 50% of the minimum programme hours required for nursing degree programmes currently set under Article 31(3) of Directive 2005/36/EC (4,600 hours) and consonant with a foundation degree science (typically 2 years).

The Brunel University London Nursing Associate Apprenticeship Programme combines a total of 2,300 hours delivered over 2 years. A total of 675 hours (1 day per week) is spent studying at university across the 2-year programme; this is protected learning time. The External placement is also protected for learning and totals 680 hours across the programme. The trainee is allocated time in the home base totaling 946 hours and these hours are also protected for learning for the duration of the programme. The hours listed below are based on a full-time trainee employed on a 37.5-hour contract of employment and therefore the hours that remain are spent in the delivery-focused role.Programme Total: 2,300 hours delivered over 90 weeks across the 2-year programme.


Theory hours*

External placement TNA hours*

Home base TNA role hours*


Delivery focused hours 



















* Protected for learning

Practice Documents for Apprentice Nursing Associate

  • Practice Assessment Document 1 - England Nursing Associate (.pdf download)
  • Practice Assessment Document 2 - England Nursing Associate (.pdf download)
  • Ongoing Achievement Record - England Nursing Associate (.pdf download)


Practice Supervisors (PS)

Practice Supervisors (PS) are registered nurses, registered nursing associates, midwives or registered health or social care professionals. They have current knowledge and experience and are appropriately prepared for the role.  Ensures learning opportunities are facilitated Contributes to assessment and records regular feedback Seeks feedback from other supervisors

What is my role in supporting the student?

You have responsibilities for overseeing the student’s progress during the placement. You will undertake the initial interview in the placement with the student which includes supporting the student to identify their learning opportunities and completion of the learning plan. 

What is my role in assessing the student?

The Practice Assessor has responsibility for student assessment. Practice Supervisors have an important role in contributing to assessment and giving regular feedback and the following can be undertaken by the Practice Supervisor to contribute to the student’s assessment. Initial interview on placement Professional Values at midpoint interview  Proficiencies as appropriate and relevant to your scope of practice and professional role 

What is my relationship with other identified roles?

You will record feedback on the student’s progress and liaise with other Practice Supervisors and the Practice Assessor to give feedback to inform the Practice Assessor’s decisions.

What if I am not a registered nurse and supervising the student?

A range of registered health or social care professionals can support and supervise student learning and contribute to the student’s assessment within their scope of practice. 

Protected learning time – NMC guidance on protected learning time in your AEI

Organisations must ensure that nursing associate students have protected learning time in line with one of these two options (NMC 2018) 

Option B: nursing associate students who are on work-placed learning routes: Are released for at least 20 percent of the programme for academic study  

Are released for at least 20 percent of the programme time, which is assured protected learning time in external practice placements, enabling them to develop the breadth of experience required for a generic role. Protected learning time must be assured for the remainder of the required programme hours  

The NMC does not require nursing associate students to be supernumerary while learning in practice, but the student must have protected learning time. The decision about how this is provided is for AEIs and their practice placement partners.

All students must be supervised when they are learning in practice. The level of supervision will depend on level of risk associated with tasks or interventions, and the competence and confidence of the student.

Practice Assessors (PA)

Practice Assessors (PA) are registered Nurses or registered nursing associates with current knowledge and expertise and are appropriately prepared for the role:

  • Conducts assessments, informed by feedback from Practice Supervisors  
  • Makes and records objective decisions, drawing on records, observations, student reflection and other resources  
  • Periodically observes the student  
  • Gathers and coordinates feedback from Practice Supervisors and other relevant people 
  •  Schedules communication with Academic Assessors at relevant points 

What is my role in assessing the student?

You have responsibility for student assessment and will liaise with the Practice Supervisors to obtain feedback and Academic Assessors to discuss student achievement and progression. You will review assessment documentation in the PAD that has been completed by a range of other health or social care professionals who have contributed to aspects of assessment. 

What specific elements do I need to assess and document?

The Practice Assessor assesses;

  • On each placement:
  • Initial interview (can be undertaken by Practice Assessor or Practice Supervisor; if PS undertakes, must be agreed by PA)  
  • Midpoint interview Professional Values at final interview  
  • Final interview
  • Confirmation of proficiencies
  • During the year: Episodes of Care and Medicines Management 

What is my responsibility when a student’s performance causes concern?

If a student requires an Action Plan, you should liaise with the Academic Assessor. Depending on the AEI and the local practice placement policy you may have to inform the nominated person.

Academic Assessors

Academic Assessors are registered Nurses and are nominated for each Year of the programme and are appropriately prepared for the role:

  • Works in partnership with the Practice Assessor to evaluate and recommend the student for progression for each year of the programme 
  • Has an understanding of the student’s learning and achievement in practice 
  • Enables scheduled communication and collaboration between Academic and Practice Assessors 

What is my role in relation to student assessment? 

The student has an Academic Assessor for each Year of the programme and will provide continuity and have an overview of student achievement to inform progression. If there is cause for concern in relation to the student’s performance, you should be involved in agreeing an Action Plan. 

Who will I liaise with?

You will communicate and collaborate with the Practice Assessor at relevant scheduled points during the Year. This may be in person, via email or telephone as appropriate.

What is my responsibility in relation to the student’s progression towards registration? 

In Year 3 to ensure the student can provide care, lead and co - ordinate care confidently they will meet with their Practice Assessor or Practice Supervisor weekly to discuss and summarise achievement. The Academic Assessor will review and confirm the overall achievement in the PAD and recommend progression to registration in the OAR.


 Please see Standards of proficiency for nursing associates for greater detail.