Psychology research and PhD programmes Research in Psychology is broad in scope and includes cognitive neuroscience, neuropsychology, evolutionary psychology, cultural evolution, and cross-cultural psychology. Experimental research within this subject is supported through a well-resourced infrastructure including MRI, EEG, TMS, and eye-tracking facilities, cubicles for testing, hardware and software resources, psychometric test library. Our psychologists have several field sites in Asia and Africa, facilitating research on diverse samples. Our research strengths are in evolutionary approaches to human behaviour as well as in cognitive neuroscience. Research opportunities for students Research students are welcomed to Brunel as valued members of our thriving, research-intensive community. Browse PhD opportunities below and find out about the funding available for students. Doctoral research information How to apply for a PhD View list of PhDs in this area Research in Psychology Find people, projects, groups and publications in Psychology. Meet our experts Psychology Research Archive Browse our collection of research outputs including PhD theses Resources for working with online behavioural data Datasets of psychological interest and a perspective on working with online data, including software, examples of previous researches, or pointers to tools for extracting your data from webpages and social media. View our expertise and specialist facilities Independent assessment of our research quality (REF 2021) View REF 2021 details for Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience (UoA 04) See Less: How to help a billion breakups REF 2021 Research centres and groups Arts Health and Social Change This Research Group is dedicated to fostering art-based initiatives that drive social change towards inclusivity and equality in healthcare. Brunel Partners Academic Centre for Health Sciences Focusing on allied health, nursing, social care and medicine, the centre supports ambitious plans to educate the health and care workforce, supporting the delivery of radically transformed integrated physical and mental health and care provision. Culture and Evolution Evolution and culture are the two most fundamental and powerful influences on human behaviour, and their effects are what we study at the Centre for Culture and Evolution. Embodiment in Academic and Professional Practice Development of an enhanced awareness of bodies as sensors of crucial information about ourselves and our reality; Enhancing our performance as human beings, practitioners, researchers and educators. Health and Wellbeing Across the Lifecourse Inequalities in health and wellbeing in the UK and internationally; welfare, health and wellbeing; ageing studies; health economics. Institute of Communities and Society The Institute focuses on the social, community, and cultural aspects of pressing contemporary issues including migration and movement, social unrest, intersectional inequalities, and institutionalised poverty. Institute of Health, Medicine and Environments Our challenge-led work in health and wellbeing focuses on understanding the relationships between biological, social, natural, and built environments and health and wellbeing outcomes. Browse our research projects View all View all AI Handbook: Exploring applications, challenges, and future trends The paradoxical effects of religious fasting Sensorimotor gating in people with (psychotic-like) transpersonal experiences Beyond the Mother: Collecting real-time infant feeding and support experience Using creative engagement to support healthcare workers Spirits and Sources: How spiritual seekers embrace belief and build community Parenting across cultures in contemporary England Post-Covid lifestyle and mental wellbeing Faith, difference and diversity in Muslim male prisoner rehabilitation LIVEND: Live music inclusion at venues and events for neurodivergent people Can SmartSocks™ help deliver care to people with dementia living in care homes? Evolution of religious and secular medical treatments When reading misfires: the case for letter confusability Predicting online radicalisation Analysis of the nature of loneliness using natural language programming COVID-19 and relationships study Protect mental health COVID-19 study Using mindfulness to reduce schizophrenia vulnerability Air pollution, brain health and wellbeing in India Recovering sense of smell and taste Childhood maltreatment: emotional consequences and potential intervention Mitigating plastic waste in Indonesia Risk factors for cognitive decline in LGBT+ older people Understanding the causes of atheism in Mauritius Visual and emotional processing in early Parkinson's disease Hidden curriculum of Occupational Therapy practice education Virtual reality for NHS staff wellbeing Addressing educational inequities through co-production of inclusive learning Explaining the causes of atheism and non-belief Gender differences in multitasking A psychophysiology study of sensory processing in meditators See Less: How to help a billion breakups Gestalt grouping and perceptual averaging to boost memory capacity Pause Courses Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience PhD Psychology PhD Welfare, Health and Wellbeing PhD View all courses Fully-funded studentships Our funded studentships become available at different times of the year. Please keep checking our page regularly to see the latest funded opportunities. We also advertise all our funded studentships as soon as they become available on the @BrunelResearch twitter account. View all studentships