Brunel Research Fellow wins best paper at International Universities Power Engineering Conference

UPEC 2019 Group Photo
Dr Peter Imris, Dr Mohamed Darwish, Dr Mohammed Radi, Dr Maysam Abbod

A delegation of 6 BIPS academics and researchers, including Prof Gareth Taylor and Dr Ioana Pisica, both UPEC Steering Committee Members, recently attended UPEC 2019 54th International Universities Power Engineering Conference 3rd-6th September 2019 in Bucharest, Romania.

The aim of the conference is to address some of the major challenges now facing the electrical power industry, and the energy sector in general and covers over 21 subject areas ranging from  Power Systems Operations and Control to Smart Grids to Electric Vehicles and Transport.

The Brunel delegation presented nine papers while at the conference and the paper presented by Dr Peter Imris titled ‘ Enhanced visualisation of Fast Frequency Phenomena as exhibited in the GB transmission system ‘ (Peter Imris *,  Gareth Taylor, Martin Bradley, (Brunel University London), Michael Gordon,  Yun Li,  (National Grid Electricity System Operator)) won the prize for best paper of the conference.