CSEF launches new webpage


CSEF engages both in cutting edge research into approaches and technologies that will have significant impact on energy and environmental impact reductions in the food chain in the future, leading towards the target 80% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050 and, research that will have demonstrable impacts and value to stakeholders in the short term. Long Description: The Centre brings together multidisciplinary research groups of substantial complimentary experience and internationally leading research track record from the Universities of Brunel, Manchester and Birmingham, as well as key stakeholders to investigate and develop innovative approaches and technologies to effect substantial end use energy demand reductions.  The Centre engages both in cutting edge research into approaches and technologies that will have significant impacts in the future. Whole system modelling and optimisation based on both bottom up and top down approaches to identify optimal ways for reducing energy use in food chains will be employed. A number of energy scenarios are being explored, considering different configurations of food supply chains and future UK energy mixes to determine the potential economic and environmental consequences.  This way, the impact of policy decisions can be considered alongside trends in key factors such as food prices, energy demand and food consumption levels.