Our work on Cancer and Physical Activity involves 3 interconnected projects. Macmillan Cancer Support funded evidence reviews of the impact of lifestyle behaviours on the lives of people living with and beyond cancer. Cancer Research UK (CRUK) have awarded a seed funding grant for a feasibility study to design and develop innovative interactive technology suitable for installation at public bus stops, to educate people about physical activity and cancer prevention, and engage them in physical activity. Through the Macmillan / Imperial College Health Trust Living with and Beyond Cancer sub-group we are contributing to primary research to support service delivery in cancer survivorship.
The Macmillan evidence reviews update and improve the evidence base for the impact of lifestyle behaviours (physical activity, healthy eating, tobacco use, consumption of alcohol) on the health and wellbeing of people living with and beyond cancer and support Macmillan’s strategic and service development in the area. The Cancer Research UK seed funding is awarded to an innovative study to design and develop innovative interactive technology suitable for installation at public bus stops, to educate people about physical activity and cancer prevention, and engage them in physical activity. The work of the Macmillan / Imperial College Health Trust Living with and Beyond Cancer (LWBC) sub-group includes an evidence review on conceptualising LWBC in service delivery and qualitative interviews with cancer survivors to bring the voices of those LWBC to the forefront of service delivery design and implementation.
Impact statement
Our work on cancer and physical activity informs policy and decision making about Macmillan’s and Macmillan/ICHT strategic plans for service delivery that might involve physical activity for those LWBC. We identify, collate and synthesise existing evidence as well as harnesses the experiences of those LWBC to ensure service delivery is tailored to their needs.