By producing original data on the seismotectonics of the East Indonesia, this project offers a breakthrough in earthquake/tsunami risk assessment and building resilience with benefits to several countries including Indonesia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Palau and East Timor.
Lack of enough data on the seismotectonics has been a major regional challenge for the development of earthquake/tsunami resilience in this region. Unlike west Indonesia which has been the target of numerous studies in post-2004 era, little data is available for East Indonesia. It is now confirmed that East Indonesia accommodates equallydangerous tectonic setting capable of generating tragedies similar to that of the 2004 in Sumatra. Here, by bringing together a team of competent engineers (Brunel University London- BUL), geologists (IndonesianInstitute of Sciences- LIPI) and geophysicist (Agency for the Assessment & Application of Technology- BPPT), this project build on the existing expertise and knowledge in the UK and Indonesia on seismotectonics [LIPI], tsunami/earthquake simulations [BUL] and marine seismic explorations [BPPT] to generate original data and apply them for building resilience.
This project includes four Work Packages (WP) two of which are devoted to data generation: WP-1 for geological and seismotectonic studies through extensive field works supported by numerical simulations; WP-2 for marine 2D seismic reflection survey. The other two WPs exploit the generated data for building resilience: WP-3 for defining tsunami/earthquake scenarios and numerical simulations of tsunamis; WP-4 for earthquake and tsunami resilience policies and guidelines. Implementation of the resilience guidelines in pilot communities in Ambon and Amahai is planned.