Environmental tax reform towards Net Zero Carbon

The Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee has stated that the UK is on track to meet the 'challenging' target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Since 1990 emissions have reduced by 45% in the UK but the economy has grown by 80%. Thus, we believe that the Tax reform has great potential in meeting the target of net zero. 

We conducted several online semi-structured interviews with representatives with an interest in policymaking or engaged in leadership roles in sustainability and climate change from both SMEs and large companies in the UK. We considered their experiences and concerns regarding the current UK environmental tax system, as well as their insights of risks and concerns with attempting to improve the systems and we made recommendations for the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee.

Our research-based first recommendation will create a better understanding of how the tax system can contribute towards net zero with other environmental objectives. The second recommendation is about changes in the model of environmental tax that will support the economy towards a transition to net zero carbon.

The findings of the written evidence help guide the policymakers to make necessary reforms in the current environmental tax system to support the other initiative taken by the government to reach the net zero carbon target by the deadline. The research is mainly focused on the UK environmental tax system but also covers cross-border tax.

Meet the Principal Investigator(s) for the project

Dr Monomita Nandy
Dr Monomita Nandy - Dr Monomita Nandy is currently a Professor in Accounting and Finance at Brunel Business School (BBS), Brunel University of London, UK. Prof Nandy has served as the Vice Dean International of the College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences, Director of Internationalisation, and Director of the Postgraduate Programme at Brunel Business School, alongside other leadership roles. She holds two PhDs, one from the University of Calcutta, India, and the other from the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy. Prior to joining Brunel University, she held academic and research positions at Lally Business School, New York; Radboud University, the Netherlands; the University of Surrey, UK; and leading institutes in India. She is highly popular among students and has received student-led Best Teacher awards. She has also been recognised for her innovative and technology-led teaching. Her research interests include interdisciplinary studies focused on digitalisation to achieve sustainable development goals, alongside her disciplinary research on emerging issues in Corporate Finance. Her research has been published in high-impact, international, peer-reviewed journals such as IJFE, JBE, TIJA, BSE, and others. She serves as an associate editor for leading journals, including IJFE, BSE, and IJFS, and regularly presents her research at major business and management conferences. Her research has been highly regarded by institutions such as the UK Parliament, the Sustainability Board in India, St James Entrepreneur Club London, the Small Business Charter in the UK, and the Chartered Institute of Taxation in England. Prof Nandy conducts policy-relevant research and shares her expertise by participating in consultations initiated by the FRC, EU Commission, and HMRC. Her work frequently garners media attention. She is the Chair of the South-East group of the British Accounting and Finance Association, Vice Chair for Research Engagement at EICBI, a member and champion of the IMA Technology Solutions & Practices (TSP) Committee (USA), a board member of the Centre for AI, and a Lab Leader at the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Sustainability at Brunel University of  London. She also serves as a research advisor for companies in the UK and abroad, such as Qi Digital, UK, and Exergie, Nigeria. Her research attracts external funding from businesses and funding bodies. Her university’s student-industry collaborations are recognised by the London Chamber of Commerce, and her partnerships with local businesses are highly appreciated by both the business community and local authorities. Moreover, her research generates significant social impact, contributing to the sustainable growth of the economy with long-term socio-economic benefits.

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Project last modified 12/10/2023