Exploring innovative solutions to enhance the reliability and efficiency of power systems through digitalisation.
The Digitalisation of Electrical Power and Energy Systems Operation (DEEPS) project is part of the UKRI Future Leader Fellowship.
This initiative aims to cultivate a leader in the field of digitalising power and energy systems. It involves collaboration with eight industry partners in power systems engineering and digital technologies, three renowned research and engineering societies, and mentors from academia and industry. The Fellowship will provide intensive training and help build the Fellow's research and innovation networks.
Addressing the need for reliable power systems
Reliable power systems are crucial for delivering electricity to various sectors such as transport, communications, agriculture, manufacturing, construction, and education.
This project leverages the Fellow's experience in Electricity National Control and expertise in renewable power system operation. Supported by leading digital technology companies, the project will address the challenges of integrating low-carbon and renewable energy sources (RES) into power systems.
Prototype applications will be tested at Brunel University of London and then deployed in real-world energy management systems. The research aims to create cost-effective and scalable simulation platforms for industry and academia, contributing to environmental sustainability and economic stability.
Developing new modelling approaches and digital simulation techniques for future power system operations
The DEEPS project stands out by focusing on the collaboration between different energy systems and entities, including transmission, distribution, and renewable system operators.
The research aims to enhance the monitoring and management of power systems, ensuring they are reliable and efficient. This will support the UK's goal of achieving net zero emissions by promoting digitalisation, decarbonisation, and decentralisation. The project will develop new modelling approaches and digital simulation techniques for future power system operations.
Reliable power systems are essential for social comfort and economic growth, and they will play a key role in achieving the UK's target of 100% decarbonisation of energy usage. The project is backed by leading digital technology companies and involves collaboration with eight industry partners in power systems engineering and digital technologies. The Fellowship will include intensive training and help build the Fellow's research and innovation networks.
Meet the Principal Investigator(s) for the project
Professor Gareth Taylor - Prof Gareth Taylor - Professor of Power Systems
Director of BIPS Research Centre - Brunel Interdisciplinary Power Systems
Module Leader - MSc Sustainable Electrical Power
Gareth joined Brunel in May 2000 from the University of Greenwich in London. He was appointed as a National Grid Post-doctoral Scholar from 2000-2003 and joined Electronic and Computer Engineering, School of Engineering and Design as a lecturer in June 2003. He established the new MSc Sustainable Electrical Power as the Course Director in September 2006. He has been a research active member of the Brunel University Research Centre BIPS since May 2000 and was appointed as Director in 2010. He was appointed as a Professor in Power Systems in 2012 and as the Head of the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering from May 2019 to June 2023. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and is a Fellow of the IET. He is also a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. From 2016-22 he was also the elected UK Regular Member for CIGRE Study Committee D2 Information Systems and Telecommunication. In 2023 he was also appointed as a member of the Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) for the CIGRE Study Committee D2.He was also appointed as a Visiting Professor within the Control & Power Research Group, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London from 1st October 2023 to 30th September 2026.
Related Research Group(s)
Brunel Interdisciplinary Power Systems - Power systems analysis for transmission and distribution networks, smart grids; congestion monitoring in transmission networks; simulation and analysis of new energy markets; optimisation of the design and operation of electrical networks; condition monitoring of power station and power system plant; energy-efficient designs for underground electric power cables.
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Organisations interested in our research can partner with us with confidence backed by an external and independent benchmark: The Knowledge Exchange Framework. Read more.
Project last modified 21/03/2025