Our project aims to understand how gambling harms are experienced by those under probation supervision and how these can be addressed.
Little is known about the gambling behaviours and gambling harms experienced by people under probation supervision.
This exploratory qualitative study aims to understand how gambling and gambling harms may be experienced by those under probation supervision and explore how these may be understood and addressed as part of probation work - for example, in pre-sentence reports, sentence planning, license conditions, community supervision, and wider policy and strategy.
We are currently undertaking in-depth interviews and focus groups with people with lived experience of gambling and probation supervision, probation staff and key stakeholders (including those working across the Criminal Justice System and in gambling support services).
The work is being undertaken across three probation regions - Wales, London and the East of England - and is guided by a Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAG) with men and women who have lived experience of both gambling harms and the criminal justice system. The final report is due to be submitted to the funders by October 2024.
Findings from our research are being fed back to His Majesty's Prison and Probation Service, alongside services for justice-involved people, and gambling support services.
If you would like to take part in the research, or request more information, please fill out the brief expression of interest form.