Lab-based prototype for automated train fluid servicing

Funded by the Department for Transport through Innovate UK, with support from the Rail Safety and Standards Board and Chiltern Railways, this project has built a lab-based RAS demonstrator for train fluid servicing - "Cyberfluids 1".

The project was led by industrial partner TBG Solutions Ltd and was demonstrated to more than 30 senior executives from various rail companies.

Original scope of project:

  • Investigate a proof of concept robotic autonomous system - Determine requirements for hose coupling (on existing trains)
  • Investigate robot types and suitability
  • Robot end effector (gripper) design
  • Carry out mechanical alignment and robustness testing

Expanded project scope:

  • Design and build a laboratory demonstrator with autonomous capability
  • Demonstrate concept to industry/potential funders
  • Provide test-bed for further innovation (e.g. wheel sand delivery system)

The next stage of the Cyberfluids research will be to build a depot-based demonstrator that will more fully show the rail industry the commercial potential of this technology.

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Meet the Principal Investigator(s) for the project

Professor Mark Atherton

Related Research Group(s)


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Project last modified 17/06/2021