Muscle response to exercise in cerebral palsy

Shortening of muscle fascicles in individuals with spastic cerebral palsy may contribute to the motor impairments in this population. Attempts to increase muscle fascicle length using different medical (e.g. surgery) and physiotherapeutic interventions (e.g. stretching, concentric/eccentric exercise) have been generally unsuccessful. The study investigates biomechanical and neurological responses of spastic muscles to exercise in cerebral palsy. We aim to identify potential pre-requisites for increasing fascicle length in spastic cerebral palsy.

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Theis N, Mohagheghi AA, Korff T (2016). Mechanical and material properties of the plantarflexor muscles and Achilles tendon in children with spastic cerebral palsy and typically developing children. J Biomech 49(13):3004-3008.

Theis N, Korff T, Mohagheghi AA (2015). Does long-term passive stretching alter muscle-tendon unit mechanics in children with spastic cerebral palsy? Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) 30(10):1071-1076.

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Project last modified 16/11/2023