Open rotor propellers ice protection system


ICEPS-ORPS project aims to develop a new IPS (Ice protection system) for composite propeller blades, which can be integrated with composites. From the current state of the of ice protection system (IPS) technologies, seven new active IPS technologies have been selected as having potential for being developed into a cost effective propeller IPS of high technical performance.

These are:

  • hot air heating
  • laser heating
  • heating foils either surface mounted or embedded with either steady state or pulsed electrical heating
  • electromagnetic repulsion/attraction
  •  microwave heating
  • low frequency forced vibration
  • guided wave ultrasonics

Synergistic combination of these IPS approaches and synergistic combination of any one with a number of passive technologies such as non-intrusive ice-phobic chemical coatings will also be investigated.


An effective ice protection system is essential for the safe operation of the advanced open rotor engine. With other innovative technologies used to develop this engine, the IPS technologies developed in this proposal make a contribution towards the overall impact of the advanced open rotor project in terms of economic, maintenance, environmental and societal benefits.

Project Partners

  • Safran Snecma
  • TWI
  • Brunel University London

For more information, please visit the ICEPS-ORPS website


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Meet the Principal Investigator(s) for the project

Professor Tat-Hean Gan
Professor Tat-Hean Gan - Professional Qualifications CEng. IntPE (UK), Eur Ing BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronics Engg (Uni of Nottingham) MSc in Advanced Mechanical Engineering (University of Warwick) MBA in International Business (University of Birmingham) PhD in Engineering (University of Warwick) Languages English, Malaysian, Mandarin, Cantonese Professional Bodies Fellow of the British Institute of NDT Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology Tat-Hean Gan has 10 years of experience in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) and Condition Monitoring of rotating machineries in various industries namely nuclear, renewable energy (eg Wind, Wave ad Tidal), Oil and Gas, Petrochemical, Construction and Infrastructure, Aerospace and Automotive. He is the Director of BIC, leading activities varying from Research and development to commercialisation in the areas of novel technique development, sensor applications, signal and image processing, numerical modelling and electronics hardware. His experience is also in Collaborative funding (EC FP7 and UK TSB), project management and technology commercialisation.

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Project last modified 27/10/2020