Park Royal Net Zero

Aligned with the goals outlined in the UK Food Strategy 2022, which underscores the imperative for academic institutions to collaborate with food manufacturers, this project emerges as a resounding response to the challenge at hand. By establishing a PBIAA focused on Net-zero food supply systems at Park Royal the consortium aims to usher in a wide-ranging programme of impactful initiatives, encompassing food production, manufacturing, processing, logistics, distribution, and waste management. The overarching mission is to foster circular food economies, fortify absorptive innovation capabilities, and supercharge productivity levels within the cluster of partners and stakeholders.

The primary goal of this initiative is to bring about positive change by reducing carbon costs, enhancing resilience, and stimulating economic growth in West London. Park Royal, a thriving hub, contributes significantly to London’s food supply and is home to businesses grappling with technological challenges in the broader UK food system.

The project will open up numerous opportunities for Brunel academics to engage in impact and collaboration activities with businesses operating on the industrial estate and will cement the relationship that Brunel has been developing over the past two years. the consortium will bring together Brunel, civic partner West London Business, and Higher Education partner Harper Adams University. Together, they will develop a comprehensive programme tailored to address the innovation challenges facing the food manufacturing and distribution sector in Park Royal.

Meet the Principal Investigator(s) for the project

Professor Savvas Tassou
Professor Savvas Tassou - Academic and Professional Qualifications BSc (1st Class Honours) Mechanical Engineering PhD Department of Mechanical Engineering. Thesis titled `An Investigation of the Criteria to Give Optimum Performance from a Variable Capacity Heat Pump\'. MBA Master of Business Administration. CEng Chartered Engineer. MIMechE Corporate member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. MASHRAE Member of the American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers.. MIIR – Member of International Institute of Refrigeration FInstR - Fellow of the Institute of Refrigeration Academic Career 1978 - 1981 Research Assistant - University of Westminster 1981 - 1986 Lecturer in thermofluids and energy - University of Westminster 1986 to date - Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader/Professor in Thermodynamics and Building Services Engineering - Brunel University London 2001 - 2004 - Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering 2004 - 2014 - Head of School of Engineering and Design 2014 to date - Director of Institute of Energy Futures
Prof Geoff Rodgers
Prof Geoff Rodgers - Professor Rodgers was appointed to Brunel University in 1989 as a lecturer in Physics, becoming a Reader in Mathematical Physics in 2001 and Professor of Theoretical Physics in 2003. In 2004 he joined the Brunel Graduate School and was appointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research in 2008. He was promoted to Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research in 2014. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and the Higher Education Academy. He is also a Visiting Professor at the University of Havana, Cuba. Between 2010 and 2014 he chaired the Research Excellence Group of London Higher, made up of the PVCs for Research of the universities in London. In 2018 he led the Science and Innovation Audit on Sustainable Airports on behalf of BEIS, working with stakeholders to build an agenda for growth and innovation in the west London economy.

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Project last modified 21/11/2023