The Brunel University of London Undergraduate International Bursary offers a £3,000 fee reduction for self-funded international students across our undergraduate courses.
To be considered applicants need to hold an offer of a place to study on an undergraduate course starting in September 2025. Awards will be made until the end of August 2025.
Who is eligible?
To be considered, here’s what you will need:
- You must have an offer to study on one of our undergraduate courses (including placement routes and undergraduate integrated Masters programmes but excluding Foundation and Integrated Foundation courses starting in September 2025.
- Pay your £5,000 course deposit by 30 August 2025.
How to apply?
There is no application form to fill out, you will automatically be considered for a bursary as long as you meet our eligibility criteria detailed below and meet all your conditions by 30 August 2025.
30/08/2025 : 30 August 2025 at 12am
Open for applications
Applied each year for a maximum of three years, four years for Integrated Masters programmes.
Applied each year for a maximum of three years, four years for Integrated Masters programmes.
No application required - assessed automatically.
No application required - assessed automatically.
Award details
Value: £3,000 tuition fee reduction applied each year for a maximum of three years and four years for undergraduate integrated MEng programmes. The awards will be paid once for each eligible level of study, subject to normal progression criteria having been met (additional payments will not be made during a placement year or a repeating year, regardless of the reason for repetition).
Application process: There is no separate application, applicants will be identified and considered for the award on a case-by-case basis throughout the year until the scheme closure on 30 August 2025. The fee reduction will be confirmed in September 2025, subject to meeting all conditions stated in the offer email.
Brunel will assess each application for suitability against these terms and conditions.
Award holders may be required to represent Brunel as ambassadors throughout their time at the University and to participate occasionally in various activities to help promote the University. This might include hosting tours of the campus and its facilities, providing administrative support at Open Days, and participating in social media and other marketing activities as required. Scholarship winners will be contacted by the International Recruitment or Marketing team as and when participation is required.
Data pertaining to bursary/scholarship holders such as progression rates, degree attainment, degree completion, and graduate outcomes may also be analysed in order to understand the effectiveness of bursaries and scholarships. This data may also be linked to other data already held by the University for the purpose of better understanding the impact of bursaries and scholarships on under-represented groups. To learn more about how the University uses data to support its commitment to delivering positive outcomes to students from under-represented groups please visit our webpage.
2.1 Applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Pay the £5,000 course deposit by 30 August 2025.
- Must hold an offer of a place on a full time Undergraduate course (including undergraduate integrated Masters programmes but excluding Foundation programmes and Integrated Foundation programmes.
- Must be classed as an Overseas fee paying student based on the UK government regulations and be self-funded (not sponsored). Applicants who are unsure of their fee status should note Brunel uses the information they have provided in their application form to assess fee status against regulations set by the UK government. For information on these regulations please visit the independent organisation UKCISA’s website.
- Must meet all conditions of their offer and hold an Unconditional offer to study on a full-time undergraduate programme (including placement routes and undergraduate programmes with integrated foundation) starting in September 2025 by the time they are due to register.
- Undergraduate applicants entering a course at Level 4 (Year 1), Level 5 (Year 2) or Level 6 (Year 3).
- Applicants applying for the Graduate LLB Law Programme will be considered for the Bursary.
2.2 Those not eligible for this bursary:
- Applicants NOT classed as Overseas for fee purposes, based on the UK government regulations or those with an unresolved fee status.
- Applicants who are not fully self-funded and are being sponsored by a Government or external body.
- Applicants that have been awarded the EU Discount.
- Applicants who will NOT commence their course in September 2025, including deferred entry month and year.
- Applicants entering a course with Brunel Pathway College (BPC), or who are progressing to a Brunel course from a BPC course.
- Applicants entering a Foundation course or Integrated Foundation course.
- Applicants entering Brunel Medical School (BMS) courses, namely the MBBS programme.
3.1 Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria at the time of allocation will be considered for a tuition fee reduction based only on the information supplied at the time of their course application. A change in circumstances will not be considered. Fee reductions cannot be backdated.
3.2 In order to be considered applicants must meet the entry criteria for the course and meet their offer conditions.
3.3 The decision of the University is final. The University will not accept any appeals in respect of the award allocation or for awards that have been withdrawn.
3.4 Award winners will be expected to pay the course deposit of £5,000 and the remaining tuition fee.
3.5 The International Bursary cannot be combined with any other University scholarship, bursary, discount, or award, with the exception of the 2% prompt payment discount. Any eligible discount will be deducted from the remaining tuition fee upon enrolment.
3.6 If an applicant is eligible for more than one scholarship, bursary or discount, they will be awarded the one which is most financially beneficial across the full course duration. If an award is made and eligibility is reviewed at a later date, the most financially beneficial award will be retained and all other awards will be withdrawn.
3.7 Awards are made for the September 2025 entry of the academic year 2025/26 only and cannot be deferred to other months or years of entry. Applicants who intend to defer their studies from 2025/26 academic year to 2026/27 will lose any award they have been made.
Conditions of fee discount
4.1 Applicants will be responsible for paying the remainder of their tuition fees after the fee reduction has been applied.
4.2 The tuition fee will be reduced by £3,000 per year of their chosen course for a maximum of three years, for Undergraduate applicants and a maximum of four years for integrated masters programmes.
4.3 This award is not payable in the placement year of an Undergraduate sandwich programme. Students undertaking FSK or FSN routes of study will receive a bursary in Years 1 and 2 of the course. No payment will be made in Year 3 and the bursary will resume in Year 4. Student on a FSC route will receive payment in all three years of study.
4.4 Conditions of fee discount:
- The fee waiver will only be made providing the student is fully enrolled at the University on an undergraduate programme. Payment will not be made in the placement year of a sandwich course. The Scholarship will be placed on hold until completion of the placement year and will be reinstated the following academic year. The grade achieved for the placement(s) will not have a bearing on the retention of the award.
- Payment in subsequent years will only be made providing the student progresses to the next level of study [payments will not be made during a repeating year until the student has satisfactorily progressed to the next level].
4.5 The award does not replace the deposit of £5,000. All awardees will need to pay the £5,000 deposit for their course in order to formally receive the award, an unconditional offer and a Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS). The amount of the award will be deducted from the remaining fees.
4.6 In cases where a CAS has been created prior to the Bursary award being made the University will amend the CAS accordingly. Awards will be finalised in August, therefore in the instance the CAS has already been used, the University will not be able to make any updates or issue a new CAS.
4.7 The fee reduction will only be applied providing the student is fully enrolled at the University on a full time undergraduate programme of study which includes having had their qualifications and other documentation verified and checked, and then completing the University enrolment procedures. This includes holding the correct visa to study.
4.8 Payment in subsequent years will only be made providing the student progresses to the next level of Undergraduate study (the tuition fee discount will not be applied during a repeating year until the student has satisfactorily progressed to the next level).
4.9 Where an award spans more than one year, students will be written to in September to confirm ongoing eligibility to receive their tuition fee award.
4.10 Awardees who have already paid the full course fees can visit the Student Centre to request a refund of any overpayment; once they have met all conditions of their offer and enrolled onto their main course in person.
Withdrawal of the discount
5.1 Misleading information: The University reserves the right to withdraw the fee reduction from anyone who is found to have misled the University about any aspect of their eligibility and to seek repayment of any monies already paid by appropriate means.
5.2 Mode of Attendance Change: If a student changes to different mode of study, their eligibility for the award will be reviewed.
5.3 Changing course and starting again at Level 4 (Year 1) (Undergraduates): Students who commence their studies and subsequently make an alteration that involves starting again at level 4 will not be eligible for a new award against the new course. The existing award will be placed on hold and reinstated once the student commences level 5, subject to meeting the annual progression criteria outlined in Section 4. If a student changes course but remains at the same level of study, this will have no impact on the award. Progression criteria as stipulated above will still apply.
5.4 Abeyance/Temporary Withdrawal: A student who takes a period of temporary withdrawal (abeyance) and who is in receipt of a fee reduction would cease to receive payments whilst temporarily withdrawn. Award payments made prior to temporarily withdrawing will not generally be requested to be repaid and remaining payments would generally be paid once the student returns to complete that level of study.
5.5 Suspension of Study: Should a student be suspended for any reason, payments will be withdrawn and consideration of reinstatement will be dependent on the disciplinary outcome.
5.6 Repeat/Extended Study: Periods of temporary withdrawal that result in repeat or extended periods of study are not supported by additional payments. Award entitlement is for the maximum duration of each award and entitlement is not extended if overall course duration alters.
5.7 Withdrawal from Study: A student who withdraws from their programme prior to completion and who is in receipt of an award will not normally be requested to repay award payments made up to the point of withdrawal. However, entitlement to all future award payments cease immediately if a student withdraws.
5.8 Fee Waiver Amendments: Fee waivers are applied at the start of the academic year as part/all of an award entitlement and will not normally be amended once the fee waiver has been processed. Any tuition fee liability remaining after fee waivers are applied would therefore be calculated in accordance with Student Financial Policy.In the case of withdrawal or abeyance the tuition fee and the fee waiver are calculated in accordance with Student Financial Policy.
5.9 Sponsored students: Students who have Government sponsorship, NHS Bursary funding, employer sponsorship or any other external sponsorship for part or all of the tuition fees are not eligible for this Award. If Admissions receive details of sponsorship after a bursary has been awarded, the Award will be removed. Students who are sponsored and have been awarded, should notify
Any queries relating to these terms and conditions should be addressed to the Admissions Office by emailing
Visit for further information on all the international scholarships available.
Updated 11 February 2025.