Student success at the Joint University Council on Social Work Education

On the 10th of September 2019 two MA Social Work students, Gladys Bozorgisaran and Simona Anton, presented their research project with Dr. Yohai Hakak at the Joint University Council on Social Work Education (JUCSWEC) which took place in Manchester. JUCSWEC is the central academic social work conference in the UK. Both Gladys and Simona were awarded a bursary by JUCSWEC, which enabled their participation.

JUCSWEC 2019(1)The two are taking part in a research project exploring the migration of social workers to and from the UK. Gladys' study focuses on American social workers and Simona on Romanians. This was the first opportunity for both to present findings from their studies and the feedback received was very positive.

“I was delighted to have been part of the JSWEC this year” said Gladys. “Presenting there was both nerve-racking and exceptionally exciting. Nerve-racking because it was the first time I represented my University in a gathering of high-profile educators and researchers from all over the UK; and exceptionally exciting because I am passionate about relationships, wellbeing, cultural, education and research - topics which constitute the focus of this conference. Because our presentation was one of the last ones of the day, the section dedicated to questions and comments from the audience became an interesting and animated dialogue about cultural differences and the feedback was really positive and encouraging”.

For more details about the study please see here:

Reported by:

Dr. Yohai Hakak
+44 (0)1895 265844