Optical Diagnostics in Engineering is an electronic journal covering many applications of lasers in engineering measurements.
There is also a vast range of paper journals covering various aspects of this work. Some have tables of contents or data on the Web.
Elsevier publish and distribute a range of relevant journals, including:
Springer-Verlag also have some useful journals:
Cambridge University Press publish:
The AIAA publish a couple of related journals, including:
SPIE's publications include:
Journals published by the ASME have their tables of contents here. Individual journal home pages include:
AIP publish Physics of Fluids.
Publications from the OSA include:
Taylor and Francis' range of journals includes:
Academic Press publish Journal of Fluids and Structures.
Some guys who insist on using ****ing frames claim to have a Journal of Laser Applications, for the Laser Institute of America.
Gordon and Breach have the International Journal of Transport Phenomena.
The Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing has the contents of past issues available.
Back to holography and mass transfer.
Henry Nebrensky
J.Nebrensky @ brunel.ac.uk