Further Reading
- Automated Fringe Analysis System for Profilometric Mass-Transfer Experiments
- J.J. Nebrensky, in Optical Methods for Data
Processing in Heat and Fluid Flow eds. C. Greated, J. Cosgrove and
J.M. Buick, chapter 24, pages 295-304. Professional Engineering
Publishing: ISBN 1 86058 281 8, 2002
- A New Scheme for Fringe Analysis in Mass Transfer Experiments
- J.J.Nebrensky, in Optical Methods and Data Processing in Heat and Fluid Flow,
IMechE Conference Transaction 1998-2, pp. 171-177. Professional
Engineering Publishing: ISBN 1 86058 142 0, 1998
- A New Approach to Automated Fringe Analysis in Mass Transfer Applications
- J.J. Nebrensky, in Applied Optics and Optoelectronics 1998
-proceedings of the Applied Optics Divisional Conference of the Institute of
Physics, Brighton, UK, 16th-19th March 1998. ed. K.T.V.
Grattan. pp. 91-96. Institute of Physics Publishing: ISBN 0 7503 0456 1, 1998
- Natural Convection Mass Transfer Measurement in Air using the
Swollen Polymer Technique
- J.J. Nebrensky and N. Macleod, presented at the IMechE International Seminar on
Optical Methods and Data Processing in Heat and Fluid Flow,
London, UK, 18th-19th April 1996. pp. 27-37.
IMechE Publications: ISBN 0 85298 992 X, 1996
- Natural Convection Mass Transfer Measurement in Air using the Swollen
Polymer Technique with Holographic Interferometry
- J.J.Nebrensky, N. Macleod and W.J. Hossack, The 1995 IChemE
Research Event/First European Conference for Young Researchers in
Chemical Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland, January 1995.
- Mass Transfer Measurement by Holographic Interferometry for a Turbulent
Jet Impinging on a Flat Plate at Moderate Reynolds Numbers
- J.J. Nebrensky and N. Macleod, presented at the Seventh
International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid
Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 11th-14thJuly 1994.
Re-prints are available - please write or e-mail.
Currently disordered and very incomplete!
Papers from journals or conferences:
- D. Lampard and N.Hay: "The Use of a Mass Transfer Technique to Infer
Heat Transfer Coefficients on Film Cooled Turbine Components"
Measurement Science and Technology 11
pp.933-941, 2000
- C.A. Roberts, J.R. Leech and N.S. Girgis: "A New Way of Obtaining
Heat and Mass Transfer at Flat Surfaces Coated with Swollen Polymer by
Measuring Recession with Projected Fringes," International Journal of Heat and Mass
Transfer, 38 pp.393-402,1995
- C.A. Roberts, N.S. Girgis, J.R. Leech and I.V.F. Viney: "Mass Transfer
from an Opaque Swollen Polymer Measured by a Projected Fringe Optical Technique,"
International Communications in Heat and Mass
Transfer, 18 pp.251-258, 1991
- C.L. Saluja, B.L. Button and B.N. Dobbins: "Full-Field
in-situ Measurement of Local Mass Transfer Coefficients using ESPI with the
Swollen Polymer Technique," International Journal of Heat and Mass
Transfer, 31 pp.1375-1384, 1988
- N. Hay, D. Lampard and C.L. Saluja: "Effects of Cooling Films on the
Heat Transfer Coefficient on a Flat Plate with Zero Mainstream Pressure
Gradient" ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and
Power 107 pp.105-110, 1985
- W.R. Paterson, R.A. Colledge, J.I. Macnab and J.A. Joy: "Solid-Gas
Mass Transfer Measurement by the Swollen Polymer Method: Proving of
Swelling Agents," International Journal of Heat and Mass
Transfer, 30 pp.279-287, 1987
- H-S Law and J.H. Masliyah: "Coherent Optical Measurement Techniques
in Profilometric Determination of Local Mass Transfer Coefficients"
Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 5
pp.211-229, 1984
- J.H. Masliyah and T.T. Nguyen: "Holographic Determination of Mass
Transfer Due to Impinging Square Jet," Canadian Journal of Chemical
Engineering, 54 pp.299-304, 1976
- J.H. Masliyah and T.T. Nguyen: "Free Convection Mass Transfer:
Laminar and Turbulent," International Journal of Heat and Mass
Transfer, 18 pp.1443-1447, 1975
- J.H. Masliyah and T.T. Nguyen: "Qualitative
Study in Mass Transfer by Laser Holography" Canadian Journal of Chemical
Engineering, 52 pp.664-665, 1974
- N. Macleod: "Convective Mass Transfer Coefficient Measurement by
Holographic and Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry" Optical Metrology
ed. O.D.D. Soares,pp.573-586 Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1987
- D.N. Kapur and N. Macleod: "The Estimation of Local Heat Transfer
Coefficients for Two-Dimensional Surface Roughness Elements by
Holographic Interferometry" Engineering Uses of Coherent
Optics ed. E.R. Robertson, Cambridge University Press,
pp.615-630, 1976
- D.N. Kapur and N. Macleod: "Vapor Pressure Determination for Certain
High-Boiling Point Liquids by Holography" Industrial and
Engineering Chemistry: Product Research and Development
15 pp.50-54, 1976
- D.N. Kapur and N.Macleod: "Determination of Local Mass Transfer
Coefficients by Holographic Interferometry" International Journal
of Heat and Mass Transfer 17 pp.1151-1162, 1974
- D.N. Kapur and N.Macleod: "Use of Holographic Interferometry for the
Measurement of Local Mass Transfer Coefficients" Journal of
Photographic Science 23 pp.81-84, 1975
- D.N. Kapur and N.Macleod: "Holographic Determination of Local Mass
Transfer Coefficients at a Solid-Liquid Boundary" AIChE
Journal 21 pp.184-187, 1975
- N. Macleod and R.B. Todd: "Experimental Determination of Wall-Fluid
Mass Transfer Coefficients Using Plasticised Polymer Surface Coatings"
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 16 pp.485-504, 1973
- J.J. Nebrensky, Optical Measurement of Local Mass Transfer
Coefficients in Naturally Convecting Systems, PhD Thesis,
University of Edinburgh, 1996
- T.H. Sheldrake, Heat Transfer Measurements in and around the Valves
and Ports of an Internal Combustion Engine, PhD Thesis, Sunderland University, 1996
- C.A. Roberts, Mass Transfer from Swollen Polymers Measured by
Projected Fringes, PhD Thesis, Coventry University, 1993
- N. Gholizadeh, Interferometric Measurement
of Local Mass
Transfer to an Impinging Jet by Non-Photographic Holography, PhD
Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1992
- H.D. Ammari, The Heat Transfer Coefficient on Film Cooled
Surfaces, PhD Thesis, University of Nottingham, 1989
- I.F. Burns, The Validation of the Swollen Polymer Technique for the Acquisition of
Film-Cooling Data, MPhil Thesis, University of Nottingham, 1986
- R.A. Colledge, Heat and Mass Transfer at the Wall of a Packed
Bed at High Reynolds Numbers, PhD Thesis, Cambridge University, 1985
- A.L. Larez,The Measurement of Convective Mass
Transfer Coefficients by Holographic Interferometry, PhD Thesis,
University of Edinburgh, 1982.
- D.N. Kapur,The Profilometric Determination of
Transfer Coefficients by Holographic Interferometry, PhD Thesis,
University of Edinburgh, 1973.
- R.B. Todd, The Profilometric Determination of Mass Transfer
Rates Using Swelling Polymer Films, PhD Thesis, University of
Edinburgh, 1965
Heat and Mass Transfer:
- A.I. Behbahani and B.W. Stewart: "Measurement of the Local Mass
Transfer Coefficient by Holographic Interferometry," Proceedings
of the National Heat Transfer Conference, ASME,
HTD-112 pp.55-60, 1989
- H. Grosse-Wilde and J. Uhlenbusch: "Measurement of Local Mass
Transfer Coefficient by Holographic Interferometry" International Journal of Heat and Mass
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- K.H. Presser: "Die Stoffübertragung
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Stoffübertagung 5 pp.220-228, 1972
- R.J. Goldstein and H.H. Cho: "A Review of Mass Transfer Measurements
using Naphthalene Sublimation" Experimental Thermal and Fluid
Science, 10 pp.416-434, 1995
- M.T. Scholtz and O.Trass: "Mass Transfer in
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9 pp.548-554, 1963
- B.W. Webb and C-F Ma, "Single Phase Liquid Jet
Impingement Heat Transfer," Advances in Heat Transfer
26 pp.105-217, 1996
Fringe Analysis:
- D.W. Robinson and G.T. Reid: Interferogram Analysis IOP
Publishing, ISBN 0 7503 0197 X, 1993
- B.L. Button, J. Cutts, B.N. Dobbins, C.J. Moxon and C. Wykes: "The
Identification of Fringe Positions in Speckle Patterns" Optics and
Laser Technology 17 (4) pp.189-192. 1985
- K. Paler, K.M. Crennell, J. Kittler, B.N. Dobbins, B.L. Button and
C. Wykes: "Identification of Fringe Minima in Electronic Speckle Pattern
Images" Pattern Recognition Letters 6 (1)
pp.33-44. 1987
- L.S. Wang, S. Kapasi, K. Jambunathan and B.N. Dobbins: "Application
of Phase-Stepping Speckle Interferometry to Mass Transfer Measurement"
pp.207-211 Proceedings of the International Seminar on Optical
Methods and Data Processing in Heat and Fluid Flow, City
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by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 1994
- T.M. Kreis: "Computer-Aided Evaluation of Fringe Patterns"
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 19
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- Srinivasan et al., "Fringe Processing and Analysis with a
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- H.G. Junginger and W. van Haeringen: "Calculation of the
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Optics Communications 5 pp.1-4, 1972
- D.W. Sweeney and C.M. Vest: "Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional
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Applied Optics 12 pp.2649-2664, 1973
- J.C. Hunter and M.W. Collins: "Three-Dimensional Refractive Index
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- K.D. Kihm, K. Okamota, D. Tsumi and H.S. Ko: "Adoption of a Genetic
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Experiments in Fluids 22 pp.137-143, 1996
Holography and Interferometry:
- N. Abramson: The Making and Evaluation of Holograms Academic Press 1981
- W.T Cathey: Optical Information Processing and Holography Wiley 1974
- H.J. Caulfield: Handbook of Optical Holography Academic Press 1979
- P. Hariharan: Optical Holography Cambridge University Press 1984
- C.M Vest: Holographic Interferometry Wiley 1979
- T. Kreis: Holographic Interferometry Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1996
- R. Jones and C. Wykes: Holographic and Speckle Interferometry 2nd Ed. Cambridge University Press 1989
Fluids and Mass Transfer:
- D.J. Tritton: Physical Fluid Dynamics Oxford University Press 1988
- M Van Dyke: An Album of Fluid Motion The Parabolic Press 1982
Optical Methods in Fluid Mechanics:
- R.J. Goldstein: Fluid Mechanics Measurements,
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- R.J. Goldstein: Chapter in Measurements in Heat
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- W. Hauf and U. Grigull: "Optical Methods in Heat Transfer"
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- J. Lockett and M.W. Collins: "Holographic Interferometry and its
Application to Turbulent Convective Heat Transfer" Journal of
Optical Sensors 1 pp.191-208, 1986
Back to holography and mass transfer.
Henry Nebrensky
J.Nebrensky @ brunel.ac.uk