EE2161 System Modelling - Session 2004-2005
Learning resources
Brunel Library has a number of books on Systems Modelling in general, and
older methodologies such as SASD/SASDM.
Look particularly at books by Ivar Jacobson, Edward Yourden, Grady
Booch, Larry Constantine and M ichael Jackson.
There are a number of books devoted to UML and systems modelling with
descriptions in UML.
For a good over-view of OO systems analysis and design, I would suggest
you look at:
Bennett S, McRobb S, Farmer R "Object-oriented systems analysis and design
using UML" McGraw Hill, 1999, Cambridge, UK
Stevens P, Pooley R "Using UML software engineering with objects and components",
Addison Wesley, 2000, Dorset, UK
Schach S R, "Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering using UML
and Java", 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 1999, Boston, USA
Course OHD
All of the course material presented in lectures will be made available on
\\apollo\$eetcpc in the ee2161 folder. They are in pdf format.
These are now available on WebCT.
Lab rota
This is now available here .
A number of commercial CASE tools exist. An important example, based on
the work of some key figures in
the development of OO programing is the UML (Unified Modelling Language)
of Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, and Jim Rumbaugh.
Their ideas have been turned into a commercial tool available from
Rational Software, their
site gives some useful information on UML
and the commercial tool as well as a number of other resources, such
as a description of the UML V1.3 language.
There is a site (Cetus.)
with a massive number of links to Object-oriented design, software etc. which
may contain everything you would ever need
to know about UML. There is a specific
page of links related to UML.
Page produced by Dr Peter R Hobson ( Last updated on