Curriculum Vitae of
Peter Robert Hobson BSc PhD C.Phys. M.Inst.P
Employer: Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH
Department: Electronic and Computer Engineering
Current Post: Reader
Date of Appointment: 1/9/1986 (promoted 1/10/95 and 1/10/2000)
Academic and Professional Qualifications
Daniel Stewart's and Melville College, Edinburgh
1977-1981, Edinburgh University,
Edinburgh, Scotland (Degree in
1980 Awarded the Fraser (Donald) Bursary, Edinburgh University
1981 Graduated with Honours BSc, class 2i
1981-1984, University College London,
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Postgraduate research, leading to the award of a PhD, in High Energy
1983 Awarded the Carey
Foster Research Prize, University College London
1985 Awarded the degree of PhD (University of London)
1984 Appointed to an RA1A post at University College London (Physics
& Astronomy)
1986 Appointed as Lecturer in Department of Physics, Brunel University
1991 Elected to Membership of the Institute
of Physics (C.Phys., M.Inst.P.)
1995 Promoted to Senior Lecturer at Brunel University
2000 Promoted to Reader at Brunel University
Development over last five years
In the last five years I have had two main areas of research, Particle
Physics and holography. In Particle Physics, I have begun to play an active
role in the new CMS collaboration which has proposed an experiment for
the recently approved Large Hadron Collider at CERN. In this collaboration
I have been involved in developing entirely new scintillators based on
hafnium fluoride glasses in close collaboration with a group at RAL. Arising
out of this I was awarded one of the first PPARC "PIPSS" grants to work
with UK industry on the exploitation of these developments. Currently I
am involved (with Bristol, ICST&M and RAL) in setting up a UK "Regional
Centre" for the production of the end-cap calorimeters for the CMS experiment.
This is an industrial scale project with a scheduled completion data for
the CMS detector in the year 2005.
Since 1990 I have also been working on precision holographic photogrammetry,
and in particular the image structure in replayed hologram images, and
the problems of acquiring data from 3D image volumes. I formed an inter-disciplinary
collaboration of holographers and oceanographers to pursue the possibility
of using holography underwater to record marine plankton. In 1994 we were
successful in winning NERC funding, and I was awarded one semester's sabbatical
leave by Brunel University in October 1994 to pursue this research in Aberdeen
University. I have continued to expand this research with the creation
of a European collaboration to produce a prototype submersible holographic
camera (EU funding awarded in 1997).
I have supervised 11 PhD and 3 MSc student research projects since 1986.
I have been second supervisor to a further 10 students.
I have been a successful applicant or co-applicant on 15 grants, with a
total value of over £3 Million
Author, or co-author, of over 270 peer-reviewed publications in international
journals. The majority of these publications (about 220) have been as one
of over 300 authors in the OPAL international High Energy Physics
collaboration. The remainder have been either sole author papers or papers
with a small number of co-authors; these have been mainly in the field
of optical holography, or detector development.
I have been one of the organisers and Guest Editors of the first five
Position Sensitive Detectors Conferences whose proceedings have been published
as special issues of Nuclear Instruments and Methods (A).
Referee for
Nuclear Instruments
and Methods (A), Optics
and Laser Technology, Electronics Letters, Journal of Modern Optics,
Deep Sea Research,
Measurement Science and Technology
Book reviewer for
Journal of Contemporary Physics
Technical skills
Engineering and mathematical skills appropriate to an experienced professional
physicist. Project management experience in multi-national collaborations,
experience in planning new research and in winning peer-reviewed funds
from national and EU agencies. Experience in collaboration and consultancy
with UK industry.
Extensive use of networked computer systems using Windows, Unix, and Vax-VMS
operating systems. Applications used range from Word and Excel, through
optical design and CAD to large Particle Physics Monte Carlo analysis codes
in FORTRAN 77.
Experienced teacher of physics, and related subjects, at all undergraduate
levels. I have developed a wide range of new courses, from advanced quantum
mechanics to the applications of lasers in medicine. Contributor to MSc
courses in Medical Radiation Physics, Non-Destructive Testing and Industrial
Measurement Systems.