How to Avoid Cyber Attacks Cyber guidance Best practice guidelines Never share your Brunel network password. We will never ask you to reveal it, and you should only enter it in a website with '' in the address Avoid leaving devices containing data unattended (e.g. USB sticks, CDs, DVDs) If you think someone may have tampered with your PC, check to make sure you don't have a keylogging device attached (See photo of an in-line key logging device) If using a shared PC or shared office, remember to lock your PC (press Ctrl, Alt and Del and select 'Lock this Computer') If using a mobile device (phone or tablet), use a security pin lock; if using a laptop, set a password If you need to dispose of a PC, or Hard Disk, see our policy on disposal of equipment If unsure about any of these, you should get in touch with Computing Support
Best practice guidelines Never share your Brunel network password. We will never ask you to reveal it, and you should only enter it in a website with '' in the address Avoid leaving devices containing data unattended (e.g. USB sticks, CDs, DVDs) If you think someone may have tampered with your PC, check to make sure you don't have a keylogging device attached (See photo of an in-line key logging device) If using a shared PC or shared office, remember to lock your PC (press Ctrl, Alt and Del and select 'Lock this Computer') If using a mobile device (phone or tablet), use a security pin lock; if using a laptop, set a password If you need to dispose of a PC, or Hard Disk, see our policy on disposal of equipment If unsure about any of these, you should get in touch with Computing Support