The university awards Honorary Doctorates in recognition of outstanding scholarly achievement, usually recognised internationally; outstanding service to the national or international community; outstanding service to the University; or outstanding service to the local community.
Below all our honorary graduates are named, with the name and year of award, followed by a short description of their career.
ACKROYD Peter, DLitt 2006; English biographer, novelist and critic
ADERIN-POCOCK Dr Maggie, DSc 2017; Space scientist and broadcaster
AKALA, DHum 2022; Rapper, poet and author
ALLAWAY Percy, DTech 1973; Managing Director of EMI Electronics Ltd
AMOS Baroness Valerie, LLD 2019; Politician and diplomat
ANDERSON Jon Lee, DLitt 2011; Author and journalist
ANELAY Rt Hon Lady Joyce, Baroness Anelay of St Johns, DSc 1997; Brunel graduate; Member of Parliament
ANIONWU Professor Dame Elizabeth Nneka, DSc 2019; Emeritus Professor of Nursing at the University of West London
ANSON Tony, DEng 2004; Engineer and founder of Anson Medical Ltd
ATTENBOROUGH Sir David, DSc 1995; Broadcaster and naturalist
AYLING Robert, LLD 1996; Chief Executive of British Airways
BABUSKA Professor Ivo, DSc 1996; Research Professor, University of Texas at Austin
BAHROLOLOUMI, Zahra, DBus 2024; CEO of Salesforce UK and Ireland
BAKER Rt Hon Lord Baker of Dorking, DEd 2016; Member of the House of Lords
BALCHIN Robert, Rt Hon the Lord Lingfield DL, HonDEd 2016; Educationalist
BALKWILL Anthony William, MUniv 2010; Engineer
BANNISTER Sir Roger, DUniv 2008; Athlete
BARUCH Dr Bernard, MUniv 1998; Brunel’s consultant psychiatrist from 1973 to 1996
BATMANGHELIDJH Camila, DSocSci 2011; Founder and Executive Director of The Kids’ Company
BAWDEN Sir Frederick Charles, DTech 1967; Director of Rothamsted Experimental Station
BAYLIS Trevor, MUniv 1998: Humanitarian; design engineer
BECKETT Sir Terence, DTech 1991; Managing Director and Chief Executive Ford Motor Company
BELDAM Robert, DUniv 1995; Chairman and Managing Director of Beldam Lascar Seals Ltd and of Auto-Klean Filtration Ltd.
BELIK Professor Ludek - 1984; Pro-Rector of the Technological University of Plzen in the Czech Republic
BENN Rt Hon Anthony Wedgwood, LLD 1996; Member of Parliament
BENJAMIN Professor T Brooke, DSc 1991; Sedlesian Professor of Natural Philosophy and Fellow of The Queen's College, Oxford University
BENNETT Francis, DUniv 1987; Member of Brunel Council
BERKOFF Steven, DLitt 2010; Actor, playwright, author and director
BERTSCHINGER Claire, DSocSci 2008; Alumna; nurse, aid worker and human rights activist
BILIMORIA Karan Faridoon, DBus 2005; Founder and Chief Executive of Cobra Beer
BIRNEY Dr Ewan, DSc 2014; One of the founders of the Ensembl genome browser
BLAKE Sir Peter, DHum 2010; Artist
BLOCH Dr Alfred, DTech 1976; Electrical Engineer, Professor Emeritus, Munich Technical University
BLOOM Professor Sir Stephen, DSc 2018; Head of Division for Diabetes, Endocrinology at Imperial College London
BOFF Elsie, MUniv 1992; former Mayor of Hillingdon
BOLL Heinrich, DTech 1973; Writer
BOLT Usain, DUniv 2022; Athlete
BONFIELD Sir Peter, DTech 1997; Chief Executive of BT Plc
BORYSIEWICZ Professor Sir Leszek, DSc 2017; Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge and Chair of Cancer Research UK
BOURN Sir John, LLD 1995; Comptroller and Auditor General
BOWDEN Roger, DTech 2006; Alumnus; engineer, founder and owner of Niftylift Ltd
BRAGG Lord Melvyn, Baron of Wigton, DSc 2000; Broadcaster, author and parliamentarian
BRAGG Dr Stephen, DTech 1982; Vice-Chancellor, Brunel University 1971-1981
BRAND Jo, DSocSci 2006; Alumna; writer, comedian and actor
BRAWN Ross, DEng 2006; Ferrari Technical Director
BREWER Professor John, DSocSci 2012; Sociologist
BROOK Dr Maurice, DSc 1992; Biologist; former Director of Research (Consumer Products) Beecham Group Plc
BROOK Professor Richard, DEng 2001; Scientist; Chief Executive EPSRC
BROWN Rt Hon Dr Gordon, DUniv 1996; Member of Parliament
BROWN Lord Wilfred Banks Duncan, DTech 1966; Managing Director of the Glacier Metal Company; Brunel's first Pro-Chancellor
BUNKER Henry James, DTech 1969; Industrial mycologist
BURGESS Margaret Ann, DSocSci 2009; Alumna; nurse; founder of Promise Nepal
BURRELL Denis James, DTech 2000; Chairman and Managing Director of Martin-Baker Aircraft
BUTLER-SLOSS Dame Elizabeth, LLD 1992; Lord Justice of Appeal
BYATT Sir Ian, DUniv 1994; Director General of Water Services
CASSELS Sir John, DEd 1997; Director, National Commission on Education
CASTELL Sir William, DSocSci 2004; Chief Executive of Amersham plc
CHARTRES Rt Revd, Rt Hon Richard, DD 1999; Bishop of London
CHISHOLM Sir John, DEng 2006; Chairman of QinetiQ
CARE Patrick John, MTech 1974; Retired School Adviser, London Borough of Hillingdon, Secretary of the West of London School Technology Group
CHALLIS Dr Anthony, DTech 1982; Director of Polymer Engineering Directorate (PED) of the Science Research Council
CHANDLER Edward R, DUniv 1983; Academic Registrar, Brunel University
CHAKRABARTI Shami, HonDLitt 2015; Director of Liberty
CHAPMAN Professor Sydney, DTech 1968; Professor of Geophysics and Adviser to the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska
CHRISTODOULOU Dr Anastasios, DUniv 1996; Secretary General of the Association of Commonwealth Universities
CHRISTOPHERSON Sir Derman, DTech 1979; Mathematician, Vice-Chancellor of Durham University
CLARKSON Jeremy, DUniv 2003; Broadcaster, journalist and writer
CLARKSON Professor John, DEng 2023: Director of the Cambridge Engineering Design Centre, and Co-Director of Cambridge Public Health
CLEMENTS Judi, DSocSci 1997; Alumna; Chief Executive of MIND
COCHRANE Professor Peter, DEng 2002; Electrical engineer
COLLINS Dr Gillian, MUniv 1998; British and Foreign School Society; member of WLIHE Govenors
COLLATZ Professor Lothar, DUniv 1977; Professor of Mathematics at the Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Universität Hamburg
CORBETT Graham, DUniv 1995; Chief Financial Officer of Eurotunnel plc and Eurotunnel SA
COTERILL Rev Peter, DUniv 1996; former Principal, London Bible College
COVA Carlos Perez de la, DUniv 1977; Venezuelan Ambassador to the UK
COX Lord Harold Roxbee, Baron Kings Norton, DTech 1966; Engineer, Chairman of Metal Box
COYNE Tony, DLaws 2022; Alumnus; Partner at Blake Morgan
CRACKNELL James, MUniv 2001; Alumnus; Athlete
CRAWFORD Lincoln, LLD 1999; Alumnus; Barrister
CRAXTON Cllr Michael, MUniv 1996; Hillingdon Borough Council and Mayor of Hillingdon
CRIDLAND John, DBus 2015; former Director-General of the Confereration of British Industry (CBI)
CRITCHLOW Dr Hannah, DSc 2022; Alumna; Neuroscientist, writer, and broadcaster
CROISDALE-APPLEBY David, DSc 2011; Alumnus; Public servant
CURTIS Alastair Stuart, DEng 2009; Alumnus; Head of Design, Nokia
DANKWORTH Sir John, DMus 2007; Performer, composer and conductor
DAVIES E R, DTech 1970; Former Director of Research at Kodak
DAVIES Greg, DHum 2022; Alumnus; Comedian, actor, presenter, and writer
DAVISON Stan, MUniv 2001; Trade union leader and community advocate
DEPLY Professor David, DSc 2010; Chief Executive of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
DICKENSON Paul, MUniv 2005; Alumnus; Athlete and sports commentator
DIAZANI Professor Mario, DUniv 1978; Director of the Institute of General Pathology, University of Turin and Dean of the University's Faculty of Medicine
DIRKEN Professor dr J M, DUniv 1989; Rector Magnificus of the Delft University of Technology
DOCHERTY Dr David; DBus 2016; Chief Executive of the National Centre for Universities and Business
DONALD Professor Dame Athene; DSc 2018; Professor of Experimental Physics at the University of Cambridge and Master of Churchill College, Cambridge
DOUGLAS Professor Mary, DSocSci 2001; Anthropologist
DOWNS Dr Mark, DSc 2022; Chief Executive at Royal Society of Biology
DUCKWORTH Dr Eric, DTech 1976; Head of the Fulmer Research Institute
DUNSTONE Charles, DBus 2007; Co-founder and chairman of mobile phone retailer Carphone Warehouse
DUNWORTH Felicity, DHum 2022; Director of the Aimhigher Kent and Medway Partnership at Canterbury Christ Church University
DYSON James, DTech 1999; Inventor, industrial designer and founder of the Dyson Company
EARNSHAW Eric, DTech 1969; Aeronautical engineer; Vice-Chairman of Joseph Lucas and of Rotax
EASTHAM John, DTech 1999; Chief of Product Technology at British Aerospace (Operations)
EASTON Dr Carole, DSocSci 2018; Alumna; Chief Executive of Young Women's Trust
EDGE Professor Gordon, DTech 1990; Associate Professor in the Department of Manufacturing and Engineering Systems, founder and Chief Executive of Scientific Generics
EGAN Sir John, DTech 1997; Group Chief Executive British Airports Authority
ELLWOOD Jeffrey, DBus 2009; Chair of Council
ENGEL Professor Charles, DSc 1998; Scholar and educationalist
ETHERINGTON Stuart, DSc 2000; Alumnus and Chief Executive National Council for Voluntary Organisations
EVANS Robert, DUniv 1998; Member of the European Parliament
FALLOW John Ronald Thomlinson, MUniv 1993; Operations Manager, British Gas
FIGES Dr Eva, DLitt 2002; Arts Council Creative Writing Fellow at Brunel University London
FILKIN Elizabeth, DSocSci 2002; Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards; Chair of the Board of Stanelco plc
FLEMIN John Stanton, DSocSci 2003; Chief Advisor to the Governor of the Bank of England and member of Council
FORBES Muriel, DTech 1966; Member of Middlesex County Council; Governor of Brunel College; member of Council
FORREST Dr John, Dtech 1995; Deputy Chairman, National Transcommunications Ltd
FRANK Dr Andrew, DSc 2003; Medical Doctor; Honorary Professor Associate of the University's Department of Health and Social Care
FRANKENBURG Professor Ronald, DSocSci 1999; Professor Associate of Anthropology at Brunel
FRAYN Michael, DLitt 2002; Journalist, playwright and novelist
FRENCH Francis, DEd 2024; Alumnus; Science and technology broadcaster and author
FRITH Dame Uta, DSc 2022; Developmental psychologist
FRYE Dr Michael, DUniv 2001; Chairman of Nyne plc; member of the Further Education Funding Council; Chairman and Founder of West London Leadership
GALLAGHER Edward, DSc 1999; Chief Executive of the Environment Agency
GALLOWAY Rev Professor Peter, DLitt 2009; Chaplain of The Queen's Chapel of the Savoy and Chaplain of the Royal Victorian Order
GARDINER John, DUniv 1985; Director of ICL plc and Courtaulds plc; Chair of Council of Brunel University
GEARTY Professor Conor, LLD 2012; Professor of Human Rights Law in LSE’s Law Department
GENT Christopher, DSc 2000; Chief Executive of Vodafone AirTouch
GEORGE Brian, DTech 1994; Alumnus; Executive Director of Planning and Construction, Nuclear Electric
GIFFARD Lord John, Earl of Halsbury, DTech 1966; Chancellor of Brunel University
GILL David, MUniv 2002; Head of Innovation and Technology Unit for HSBC
GLOVER Dr Jane, LLB 1996; Conductor
GOODWIN Dr Leonard George, DSc 1986; Director of the Nuffield Insititute of Comparative Medicine; Director of Science to the Zoological Society; Director of the Wellcome Museum of Medical Science
GRANT L A, BTech 1972; Deputy Buildings and Estates Officer, Brunel University
GREAVES Walter, DBus 2005; Engineer; Chair of the Enterprise Initiative and the Employers Advisory Board; Chair of Council of Brunel University
GREGORY, Professor Kenneth, DSc 2019: Geographer and former Council member
GREGSON Lord John, Baron Gregson of Stockport, DTech 1989; Chairman of the Brunel University Faculty of Technology Visiting Committee; Chair of Fairey Nuclear Ltd
GRICHNIK Tony, DSc 2022; Founder of Blue Roof Labs
GROVE Elizabeth, DUniv 2002; Occupational Therapist; former first Health Officer at the Department of Health and Social Security
GUEST John, MUniv 1996; Managing Director and founder of John Guest Limited; corporate member of the Brunel Business Partnership 1990-1994
GYLLENHAMMAR Dr Pehr, DTech 1987; Chairman of Volvo
HALL Dame Wendy, DEng 2022; Computer Scientist and Regius Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southampton
HALSBURY Lord, DTech 1966; Managing Director of the National Research Development Corporation; Member of the House of Lords; Chairman of the committee on decimal currency; Chancellor of Brunel University
HANCOCK Lewis Harry, MTech 1972; Senior Lecturer in Production Technology
HANSPAL Professor Rajiv, DSc 2012; Medical Director at the Royal Hospital for Neuro-Disability, Putney; Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine
HARRIS Professor R J C, DTech 1973; Director of the Microbiological Research Establishment, Ministry of Defence; Active member of the Advisory Panel for Chemistry
HARRISON Audley, MUniv 2003; Olympic and professional boxer
HASLAM Sir Robert, DTech 1987Deputy Chairman and Chairman-Designate of the National Coal Board; Chairman of British Coal; Chairman of British Steel Corporation & Tate and Lyle Plc
HART-DAVIS Dr Adam, DUniv 2007; Photographer, writer and presenter
HAWAJ Professor Abdulla Al, DSc 2019; Founding President of Ahlia University in Bahrain
HAYMAN Rt Hon 2012; Baroness, Lord Speaker of the House of Lords; Privy Counsellor; Co-President of the UK branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
HEIGHT Professor Frank Sydney, DUniv 1993; Professor Emeritus in Industrial Design; Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering & the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the Chartered Society of Designers & the Royal Society of Arts. External Assessor for Brunel University
HENDERSON Sir Denys, DUniv 1987; Chairman of Imperial Chemical Industries
HERINGTON Dr E F G, DTech 1977; Distinguished Physical Chemist; Editor for the Physical Chemistry Division of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
HERRMAN Dr Norbert, DUniv 2002; International Exchange Co-ordinator; Researcher & Mathematician
HEY Prof Tony, DEng 2022; Vice-President of Microsoft Research Connections
HICKOX Richard, DMus 2003; Conductor; founder of the City of London Sinforia
HILL Richard, MUniv 2002; Alumnus; Athlete
HILL Prof Dame Sue, DSc 2022; Chief Scientific Officer for England
HILLSON Rowan Mary, DSc 2011; National Clinical Director for Diabetes; Consultant Physician in diabetes & endocrinology at Hillingdon Hospital
HODGE Patricia, DLitt 2001; Alumna; Actor
HODKINSON Steven Robert, DUniv 2008; Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Development & External Relations at Brunel
HOFFMAN Michael, DEng 1998, Thames Water Group Chief Executive
HOGG Lord Quintin McGarel, Baron Hailsham of St Marylebone - 1995; University Visitor
HOLENDA Dr Jiri, DSc 1998; Mathematician; Rector of the University of West Bohemia at Pilsen
HOLLAND-KAYE John, DBus 2017; Chief Executive Officer, Heathrow Airport
HOLLIDAY Leslie, DTech 1972; Associate Professor Polymer Science; Director of Vinyl Recoveries Ltd; Co-founder & director of Holliday-Crawley Ltd; Former Chairman of the Materials Science Club
HOLMES Dame Kelly, DUniv 2009; Athlete
HOOKER Dr S G, DTech 1968; Technical Director (Aero) of Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltd
HUGHES Rev Selwyn, DD 2005; Founded Crusade for World Revival (CWR); Christian author
HUMPHREY Professor J H, DUniv 1979; considered a founding father of modern immununology; external examiner; Vice-President and subsequently President of the International Union of Immunological Societies
HUNT Dr John, MUNiv 1995; Medical Officer
HUNTER Professor Jackie CBE; DSc 2016; Chief Executive Officer of Stratified Medical
HURN Sir Roger, DUniv 1999; Chairman of GEC; Deputy Chairman of Glaxo Wellcome plc; Non-executive Director of ICI; Chairman of the Court of Governors of Henley Management College; Chief Executive & Chairman of Smiths Industries
HURD Rt Hon Lord of Westwell, LLD 2009; Member of Parliament; Member of the House of Lords
HUSEN Professor Torsten, DTech 1974; Social scientist; Chair of the International Institute for Educational Planning; Chair of the International Educational Achievements Study
HUXLEY Sir Andrew F, DSc 1988; Fellow & President of the Royal Society; Shared the Nobel Prize for Medicine
INGLOTT Professor Father Peter Serracino 1993; Rector of the University of Malta and Chair of the Malta Council for Science and Technology
IRVING Professor Harry, DTech 1970; Professor of Inorganic and Structural Chemistry and Head of Department at Leeds University
IVES Andrew, DEng 2006; Alumnus; engineer with Lucas Group Research Centre
JARRATT Alexander, DUniv 1979; Director of Reed International Limited and also Managing Director of International Publishing Corporation (IPC).
JENKS Barbara, DUniv 2013; Therapeutic counsellor
JACOBI Sir Derek, DLitt 2007; Actor
JACKSON Steve, DHum 2010; Games entrepreneur
JEFFERIES David, DTech 1992; Chairman of National Grid Company Plc
JOHN Dr Robert, DEng 2012; Chief Executive for TWI; Runs his own consulting company, Kernow Technology Engineering
JOHNSON Boris, LLD 2007; Member of Parliament
JONES Dr Francis, DTech1969; Managing Director, Mullards
JONES Jax, DBus 2024; Alumnus; Music producer and songwriter
JONES Sir Philip, DTech 1998; Director of Total Oil GB; Chair of HEFC Wales
KANE Professor John, DUniv 1996; Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Brunel University; former Principal of the West London Institute of Higher Education
KEENE Sir David, LLD 2001; Barrister; Lord Justice of Appeal; Brunel Visitor
KEETON Professor George, DUniv 1977; Associate Professor; instrumental in setting up of law teaching at Brunel
KELLY Jane LLD 2018; Pro-Chancellor of Brunel and former Chair of Council
KEMPNER Professor Thomas, DUniv 1990; Principal of Henley Management College
KENDRICK Graham, DD 2000; Singer and songwriter.
KILBURN Professor Tom, DUniv 1977; Developed the world’s first stored program computer
KING Julia Baroness Brown of Cambridge DEng 2017; British engineer, crossbench member of the House of Lords and Chair of the Carbon Trust
KINGMAN Sir John, DSc 2004; Director of the Isaac Newton Institute at Cambridge, and N M Rothschild and Sons Professor of Mathematical Science
KINGSMILL Denise, LLD 2001; Deputy Chair of the Competition Commission
KINNOCK Glenys, LLD 1996; Member of the European Parliament
KLAUS His Excellency Václav, DSocSci 2004; President of the Czech Republic
KLERK Frederik Willem de - 1996; South African politician; former South African President
KNIGHT Judith, DHum 2012; Co-Director and founder of Artsadmin
KOGAN Professor Maurice, DUniv 1991; Founding professor of government and social administration at Brunel University
KOSHY Professor Valsa, DEd 2019: Founder of the Urban Scholars Programme at Brunel
KUBASCHEWSKI Dr Oswald, DTech 1971; Deputy Chief Scientific Officer at the National Physical Laboratory
LAMB Professor Sarah; DSc 2016; Kadoorie Professor of Rehabilitation and Director of the Centre for Statistics in Medicine and the Oxford Clinical Trials at the University of Oxford
LAMPL Sir Peter, DUniv 2004; Chairman & founder of the Sutton Trust
LANGRIDGE Arthur, DTech 1972; General Manager at Westinghouse Brake English Electric Semiconductors Ltd; Member of the Department of Physics Advisory Committee
LAINE Dame Cleo, DMus 2007; Musician and actor
LAY Dr Kenneth, DScoSci 1999; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Enron
LAYARD Professor Richard, DSocSci 1998; Professor of Economics; Consultant to the Treasury & special adviser to the House of Commons Select Committee on Employment
LEATHAM Dorian Clement Ashton, DSocSci 2000; Chief Executive of the London Borough of Hillingdon
LEGG Sir Thomas, LLD 2006; Lord Chancellor's Permanent Secretary & Clerk of the Crown in Chancery; University Visitor
LEVER Rt Hon Harold, DTech 1975; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Government fincancial adviser
LEWINTON Sir Chriostopher, DTech 1997; Chief Executive & Deputy Chairman of TI Group plc; Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering
LEWIS Prefessor Frederic, DTech 1975; Executive Director of the American Judicature Society; Dean and Professor of Law
LIDDINGTON Baron Joel Joffe of, DUniv 2004; Human Rights lawyer, founding Trustee of Action on Disability and Development; Trustee of International Alert
LYNCH Professor Patrick, DUniv 1976; Associate Professor of Political Economy; Chair of Aer Lingus; Former Private Secretary to the Irish Prime Minister; External examiner
MACK Lee, DHum 2012; Alumnus; stand-up comedian and actor
MANN Patricia, DUniv 1996; Non-executive director of British Gas plc and Vice President International and Board Director of J Walter Thompson Co Ltd
MANSER Albert, DTech 1969; Chief Mechanical Engineer (Railways) at the Chiswick Works of London Transport
MAXTON Julie Katherine, LLD 2022; Executive Director of the Royal Society
MAXWELL Dr Robert, DUniv 1993; Secretary and Chief Executive of the King Edward's Hospital Fund for London
MAY Sir Robert, DSc 1999; Chief Scientific Advisor and Head of Office of Science and Technology
MAYGLOTHING Rosie, DSc 2014; Alumna; Athlete
MAYOR Professor Federico, DSc 1989; Director-General of UNESCO
MCGRATH John, DSc 2002; Alumnus; former Chief Executive of Diageo
MCKERNAN Dr Ruth, DSc 2022; Neuroscientist
MENTER Sir James Woodham, DTech 1974; Director of Research and Development at Tube Investments Ltd
MERKURIEV Professor Stamislav, DSc 1992; Physicist and Rector of St Petersbury University
METAIS Dr Joanna Le, DEd 2000; Alumna; Directed the international office at the National Foundation for Educational Research
MIDDLETON Professor Karen, DSc 2017; Chief Executive, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
MIRRLEES Professor James, DSocSci 1997; Professor of Economics
MOORCROFT David, MUniv 2004; Athlete; Chief executive of the sport's national governing body
MOORE Professor Gillian, DMus 2006; Artistic Director of the London Sinfonietta
MORRIS Oswald, DHum 1997; Director of film photography
MORRISSEY, Liam, DSc 2023; Security advisor
MORTON Sir Alastair, DUniv 1992; Chairman of Eurotunnel plc and Group Chief Executive of the bi-national Eurotunnel Group
MORTIMER John, DUniv 1990; Barrister, playwright and author
MOSER Sir Claus, DTech 1981; Professor of Social Statistics at the London School of Economics
MOTION Professor Andrew, DLitt 2000; Poet Laureate
MUIR Dr Helen, DSc 1990; Director of the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology; Head of Biochemistry
MURPHY John, DSocSci 2001; Alumnus; established 'Interbrand'- a brand name creation company; started St Peter's Brewery Group plc
MURRAY Jenni,DLitt 2009; Journalist and broadcaster
NEAVE David, LLD 1999; Secretary-General and Registrar at Brunel University
NERO Franco, DLitt 2011; Actor
NICOLI Eric, DEng 2003; Chairman of the EMI Group
NIXON Sir Edwin, DTech 1986; Chairman and Chief Executive and Managing Director of IBM (UK)
NYMAN Michael, DMus 2010; Composer
OK Professor Chun Chae, DD 2003; Theologian; Professor Emeritus, Ewha Womans University Seoul
OKRI Ben DLitt 2022; Novelist and poet
ORCHARD Professor Stephen, DHum 2000; Chairman of the British and Foreign School Society
PAGET Sir John, DTech 1976; Director and General Manager of D Napier and Son; Former Director of Glacier Metal Group; Chair of the Governing Body of Brunel College
PANJABI Archie, DLitt 2011; Alumna; Emmy award-winning actor
PAPODOPOLOUS Dr George, DUniv 1991; Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development
PARISH Professor Richard, DSc 2014; Chief Executive of the Royal Society of Health
PARTRIDGE Edna, DUniv 2007; Wing Commander & Deputy Lieutenant in the Royal Auxiliary Air Force
PASCOE Alan, DUniv 1997; Athlete and sporting entrepreneur
PEACOCK Professor Sir Alan, DUniv 1989; Economic Advisor to the Department of Trade and Industry; Professor of Public Finance
PEARCE Kenneth, MUniv 1997; Historian
PERKINS Professor John, DEng 2018, FREng: Chief Scientific Adviser, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
PIPPARD Professor Alfred John Sutton, DTech 1968; Professor of Civil Engineering and Head of Department at Imperial College
PLATT Denise, DSocSci 1998; Director of Social Services for the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham; Chief Inspector of the Social Services Inspectorate and Joint Head of the Social Care Group at the Department of Health
PORTER Professor Sir George, DSc 1988; Director and Fullerian Professor of Chemistry; Awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
POTTER Dr David, DSc 1998; Member of the London Regional Council of the CB1; Vice Chairman of LondonLink; Member of the HEFCE
PUTTNAM Lord David, of Queensgate, DHum 2004; Film Producer; Chair & Chief Executive of Columbia Pictures; Founding Chair of the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts; President of UNICEF UK
QUIRK Sir Randoph, DUniv 1988; Vice-Chancellor, University of London
RANDALL Paulette MBE; DHum 2015; TV and theatre director
RATKE Lorenz, DSc 2023; Retired Head of Department of Aerogels at the Institute of Materials Research, German Aerospace Centre, DLR
REDGRAVE Vanessa, DLitt 2011; Actor
REDMOND Sir James, DTech 1991; Director of Engineering at BBC Television
REEDER Prof John, DSc 2022; Director of Research at the World Health Organisation
REEDIE Sir Craig, LLD 2009; Chairman of the British Olympic Association
RICHARDSON Dame Mary, DEd 2005; Chief Executive of the HSBC Education Trust
RICHARDSON-WALSH Kate, DUniv 2017; Alumna; Athlete
RICKARD, Laurence, DHum 2024; Alumnus; Actor and writer
RIDEAL Sir Eric Keightley, DTech 1967; Professor of Physical Chemistry at Kings College, London
RIGBY Brian, MUniv 2004; Chairman of the Trustees of the Anglo-German Foundation
RILEY David, DBus 2013; Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Brunel University; founded Mandeville Recruitment Group
RIMMER Dr Diana, DSc 2010; Consultant Microbiologist at the Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust; Member of Council
ROBERTS Professor Alan, DTech 2007; Consultant Clinical Scientist in the Centre for Clinical Prosthetics at St Luke's Hospital and Director of Research and Development at Bradford Hospitals NHS Trust
ROBERTS Dr Bernard, DUniv 1989; Pianist
ROBERTSON Geoffrey Ronald QC, LLD 2010; Founder and head of Doughty Street Chambers
ROBERTSON Grace, DEd 2007; Alumna; Photojournalist
ROBINSON Professor Joan, DTech 1972; Professor of Economics at the University of Cambridge
ROBSON Edward, DSc 1999; Director of the Teaching Company Diectorate
ROBSON Thomas, DSocSci 2000; Chief Executive Officer and Director of HSBC Bank Malta Group
ROCKLEY J C, MTech 1972; Senior professional in the Harefield establishment of the Aeronautical Quality Assurance Department; Lecturer in Physics Department at Brunel University London
ROTHWELL Professor Dame Nancy DBE; DSc 2015; President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Manchester
RYLANCE Mark, DLitt - 2009; Actor, playwright and theatre director
SAID Emeritus Professor Dato' Dr Hassan, DEng 2018; Alumnus; Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Teknologi MARA
SAINSBURY Lord David, Baron Sainsbury of Turville, DEd 2009; Chairman of JD Sainsbury
SCARDINO Marlorie, LLD 1999; Chief Executive of Pearson plc
SCARMAN Lord Leslie George, Baron Scarman, DUniv 1987; Lord of Appeal; Chairman of the Law Commission
SCHWARTZEL Professor Heinz, DTech 1990; Head and Executive Director of Corporate Research and Technology Laboratories of Siemens AG
SEDGWICK Dr John, MUniv 2003; University's Medical Officer
SHARMAN Dr Helen, DSc 2010; Chemist; astronaut
SHEASBY John Michael, DUniv 2008; Financial Management - Set up and implemented a worldwide governance, risk management and internal audit process for Glaxo Wellcome.
SHERSBY Michael, DUniv 1994; Member of Parliament; MP for Uxbridge
SHORT Dr Mike, DEng 2013; Served on Brunel's Industrial Advisory Panel; Telefónica Europe’s Vice-President of Public Affairs
SILLEM Dr Hayaatun, DEng 2022; Chief Executive Officer of Royal Academy of Engineering
SIMS Dr R, DUniv 1989; Director General, Research and Development at the National Coal Board; Chief Executive Finance at BOC Ltd; and Group Engineering Director of the Delta Group Ltd
SINCLAIR Iain, DLitt 2007; Writer and film-maker
SISSAY Lemn, DLitt 2019; Poet, playwright and broadcaster
SKELLON Dr Joe, DTech 1968; Head of Department of Chemistry, Brunel College
SKINGLE Prof Malcolm, DSc 2022; Director of Academic Liaison, GSK
SHEPPARD Sir Allen, DUniv 1994; Chairman of Grand Metropolitan plc
SHEPPARD Richard, DTech 1972; Architect
SHRIGLEY John, DUniv 2003; Personnel Director at General Electric Company
SHIRLEY Dame Stephanie, DSc 2005; Businessperson; advocate of Autism awareness and founder of The Shirley Foundation
SHIRLEY-QUIRK John, DUniv 1981; Bass-baritone
SOMARA Dr Shini, DEng 2023; Alumna; Author and broadcaster in engineering and STEM
SOMEREN Ellinor van, DTech 1974; Contribution researcher in the field of medical entomology
SOTHERTON Kelly, MUniv 2009; Athlete
SPOTTISWOODE Clare, DUniv 1997; Director General of Gas Supply
STEADMAN Floyd, DEd 2024; Alumnus; former rugby player, retired headmaster and philanthropist
STEEL Rt Hon Lord David, Baron Steel of Aikwood, LLD 2010; Member of Parliament
STERLING Michael, DUniv 2008; Vice-Chancellor, Brunel University (1990-2001)
STERLING Wendy, DUniv 2002; Treasurer and then Vice-President, Economics and Business Education Association
STEWART Professor Iain, DEng 2022; Geoscientist
STIER Professor Anton, DSc 1991; Biomedical researcher
STOPPARD Tom, DUniv 1979; Playwright
STOTT Rev Dr John, DD 1997; Chaplain to Elizabeth II (1959-1991).
STRAW Jack, LLD 2007; Member of Parliament
STUART Osmond W, DHum 2022; Independent equality and diversity consultant
STUCHBERY Arthur, DTech 1970; Chief Production Engineer at the Metal Box Company; Chairman of Council
SUGAR Sir Alan, DSc 2005; Entrepreneur and business person
SUMPTER Professor John, DSc 2018; Environmental scientist
SUTHERLAND Professor Emeritus Ian A, DSc 2017; former Director of Brunel's Advanced Bioprocessing Centre
SUTHERLAND Rory, DLitt 2012; Author of the Spectator’s fortnightly Wiki-Man column on technology and the web; Vice-Chairman of Ogilvy UK
SUZMAN Dame Helen, DUniv 1991; South African anti-apartheid activist and politician
SYKES Sir Richard, DSc 1994; Chief Executive of the Glaxo group
SZENT-GYORGYI Professor Albert, DSc 1984; Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
TAYLOR Sir Cyril, DEd 2005; Founded the American Institute for Foreign Study; Founded Richmond, The American International University in London;
TAYLOR Dr John, DEng 2000; Director General of Research Councils
TEMPLEMAN Geoffrey, DTech 1974; Vice-Chancellor, University of Kent
THATCHER Rt Hon Lady Margaret, Baroness Thatcher, 1996; House of Lords, former Prime Minister
THOMAS Air Commodore Paul R, DSc 2022; Chief Operating Officer at Brunel University London
THOMAS Kevin, DBus 2015; Board Director of Babcock International Group PLC
THORNTON Janet, DTech 2008; Director of the European Bioinformatics Institute on the Wellcome Trust
THURSTON Ernest Norman, MTech 1982; Group Training Manager for the Dowty Group of Companies
TITMUSS Professor Richard, DTech 1971; Professor of Social Administration at the London School of Economics; architect of the Welfare State
TOPPING Dr James, DTech 1967; Vice-Chancellor, Brunel University (1966-1971)
TRIER Peter, DTech 1975; Director of Philips Electronic and Associated Industries Ltd; Chair of Council
TRY Hugh, DUniv 1993; Chair of Try Group PLC; Chair of Council
TROTTER Dame Janet, DEd 2004; Alumna; Director of the Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, University of Gloucestershire
TUFFENTSAMMER Professor Karl, DTech 1976; Professor and Head of the Institute of Machine Tools in the University of Stuttgart
TYSON Cathy, DHum 2024; Alumna, Actor
URRY Professor Syd, DUniv 1994; Head of Building Technology, Brunel University
VAJDA Dr Steven, DTech 1970; Researcher in mathematical techniques of operational research
VAN KAMPEN Claire, DMus 2019; Director, composer and playwright
VAN SOMERAN Ellinor C C,1974; Medical researcher; Writer
VOSTRACKY Professor Zdenek, DEng 2001; Rector of the University of West Bohemia in the Czech Republic
WADDILOVE Lewis, DUniv 1978; Director of the Rowntree Memorial Trust Fund
WAKEHAM Lord John, Baron Wakeham of Maldon, DUniv 1998; Chancellor of the University
WALLACE Professor Kenneth, DEng 2011; Co-Director of the BAE SYSTEMS/Rolls-Royce University Technology Partnership (UTP) for Design
WALLIS Edmund, DTech 1996; Chief Executive of Powergen; Member of the Court of Governors of Henley Management College
WANG Professor Tie-Jun, DSc 2017; Professor of Applied mechanics and Vice-President for Research at Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU) in China
WATTS John, DUniv 1993; former MP for Slough
WEBB Thomas, DUniv 2012; MD of the London Tourist Board and Convention Bureau
WEDDERBURN Professor Dorothy, DUniv 1990; Principal of Royal Holloway and Bedford Now College; Pro Vice Chancellor of the University of London
WEEDON Professor Basil, DTech 1975; Professor of Organic Chemistry at Queen Mary College, University of London
WHITE Mark, DEng 2011; Chief Technical Specialist for Jaguar Land Rover
WICKS Rt Hon Malcolm, DSocSci 2009; Member of Parliament
WIESNER Dr Christoph, DEng 2014; Chief Executive TWI
WILD Ann, MUniv 2005; Alumna; Para-Olympic athlete
WILD Professor Ray, DUniv 2001; Principal of the Henley Management College; Seconded from Henley to be First Head of the Department of Management and Engineering Systems at Brunel
WILKINSON Dr James Hardy, DTech 1971; World authority on numerical aspects of linear algebra and computing; Part-time lecturer at Brunel University
WILLIAMS Dr Peter, DSc 1997; Physicist; Chairman of Oxford Instruments
WILLIAMS Dr Robert, DSc 1982; Senior Consultant Otologist; Professor Associate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Brunel University
WINSTANLEY Brian, DUniv 1980; Secretary General at Brunel University
WOLFF Professor Heinz, DSc 2003; Founder and Director of the Institute for Bioengineering; Emeritus Professor of Bioengineering at Brunel University
WOLSTENHOLME Sir Gordon, DTech 1981; Director of the Ciba Foundation
WOODBRIDGE Anthony Rivers, DUniv 2000; Solicitor
WORBOYS Sir Walter, DTech 1967; Chairman of the Royal Society of Arts: Chairman of the Brunel's first Academic Advisory Committee, 1963;
WRIGHT J W 1982; Physicist (Physics of the Atmosphere)
WHYTE Greg; Alumnus; Professor of Applied Sport and Exercise Science, Liverpool John Moore’s University
YACOUB Dr Magdi, DSc 1985; Consultant cardiothoracic surgeon
YOUNGER James, DSocSci 2009; Chair of Electoral Commission; Chair of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
ZAHLER Dr George, DTech 2001; Council Member of the Scientific Instrument Manufacturers Association; Member of the Advisory Council for Calibration and Measurement under the auspices of the Department of Trade and Industry
ZIENKIEWICZ Professor Olgierd, DSc 1993; Originator of the finite element technique