
The University welcomes the views of its students. It recognises however that there may be occasions when a student is dissatisfied with an aspect of their experience at the University.

Raising issues with your College

You can provide feedback and have issues addressed through Student Representatives at Departmental and College committee meetings. Refer to your College Handbook for further information about how to raise concerns with your Student Representative.

You’re encouraged to raise issues informally with administrative or academic staff within your Department, for example, with their Tutor. Departmental Senior Tutors have responsibility for pastoral issues within the Department and can be approached concerning most matters. Each College also has an Associate Dean (Student Welfare) who can be approached about any concerns.

Students can also raise their concerns using the University’s Complaints Procedure if they are dissatisfied “…about a university’s action or lack of action or about the standard of service provided by or on behalf of the University”. The Complaints Procedure cannot be used to appeal against a decision of a Board of Examiners, and students should instead refer to Senate Regulation 12.

Students wishing to use the University’s Complaints Procedure should read the Complaints Procedure and the accompanying Guidance Note, before raising their complaint.

For students who have submitted a formal complaint before 1 September 2015, please refer to the Archive, to access the applicable complaint procedure for their complaint.

Please also contact the Student Complaints Officer if you require further information.

COP letters and the OIA

Once you have reached the end of internal procedures available to you in regards to your complaint, you will be issued with a Completion of Procedures letter. This will give you the option to go to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator, an external, independent body who may be able to review your complaint. 

Completion of Procedures letters and the Office of the Independent Adjudicator

Process for Monitoring and Reviewing Student Complaints

Feedback is obtained through the consideration and resolution of formal complaints submitted to and outcomes received from the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA).

Student Complaints Monitoring Process

If you think you are being bullied, harassed or discriminated against by other students or University staff you should refer to the Bullying and Harassment Policy and the Bullying and Harassment Policy Guidance which explains how to raise concerns and the support available.


You can use the University’s Mediation Service to resolve complaints and concerns with other University students or staff. This is a free, confidential and impartial service aimed at resolving concerns quickly and informally.

The Union Advice Service (UAS) in the Union of Brunel Students can provide independent and impartial advice to students about how to address any issues or concerns that they may have during their time here.