Full time MBA | Brunel Business School

The full time Brunel MBA is a one-year intensive course providing you with a qualification that signifies dedication to continued development in your profession.  

MBA Webinar: Tuesday 18 March, 12-1pm

Book your place MBA Webinar: Tuesday 18 March, 12-1pm

This course is ideal if you want to complete your MBA in a short time, which may be useful if you are an international candidate. Brunel MBA students represent huge diversity in the variety of industries, professions, cultures, and countries that they come from and this is one of the key strengths of our programme. The people you meet on your MBA make up a valuable network of business contacts and friends for life.

The international quality benchmark statement for the MBA says that that it represents a "practice development master’s degree". Hence The Brunel MBA is a post-experience MBA, which means that all participants are required to have significant work experience, including at least three years’ experience at managerial or professional level before joining the course.

We are also pleased to announce that according to the CEO magazine, who showcase top business schools from across the globe, Brunel Business School is once again ranked in Tier 1.

The average age of the current MBA intake is 34 and participants have an average of seven years' professional work experience.

The class sizes are between 25 - 35 students, allowing for an excellent learning atmosphere and individual attention.

There are two intakes per year, one in January and one in September. The course is made up of three terms: Winter, Spring and Summer. Exams are in May and a dissertation period concludes the programme, leaving you ready to re-enter the business world with new skills and confidence.

Watch our video below to learn how the course will be taught, meet our academics and hear about the facilities available on our campus.

How your course is structured

Core modules

Corporate and Business Finance

This module provides students with a broad understanding of the world of accounting and finance. It introduces the concepts and application of accounting and finance and techniques used by internal and external parties to analyse and evaluate financial information for short-term and long-term economic decisions. The module also provides opportunities to develop numerical, analytical and interpretive skills.

Principles of Marketing

In this module, students learn to critically discuss and apply key marketing concepts and theories to a practical business setting. Students examine the evolution of marketing processes and technology in support of strategic business objectives. Students will conduct a marketing audit and critically assess the marketing strategy using several frameworks, and propose an improved marketing strategy based on findings.

Leading People & Managing Organisations

In this module students learn and apply theories and concepts pertaining to Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management. Students will identify and critically evaluate the frameworks and practices of leadership and people’s behaviour in organizations. Students will also discuss the significance of human resource practices for the functioning of organizations, and explain how interpersonal behaviour facilitates or hinders organisational effectiveness.

Corporate and Competitive Strategy

This module provides students with an appreciation of the issues and challenges facing entrepreneurs and managers responsible for the strategic management of organisations in complex, and uncertain conditions. It introduces concepts and methodological tools for analysing strategic position, developing sustainable strategies, and addressing the implications for effective strategy implementation.

Operations Management

This module provides students with the skills to critically reflect and communicate the nature, processes, problems, and techniques for managing operational processes in modern enterprises. We use case studies to foster creative strategic approaches in response to a variety of operation management issues. Students develop skills to identify and assess issues in the context of the organisation and competitive environment.

International Business

This module provides students develop a sophisticated understanding of the ethically diverse nature of international business. The module critically evaluates how technical, instrumental, and political considerations interact with legitimate moral judgements in the global context. Students explore issues of corporate governance and control, including political, social, economic, risk and security, social and corporate responsibility and technological dimensions. 

Business Economics 

This module equips students with the skills to use principles of microeconomics to make strategic decisions in the short-medium and long term of the company; to predict/forecast, demand and supply with quantitative methods; to use statistical software (eg SPSS) to elaborate complex information at a micro level; and to interpret the causal relations of different business and economics phenomena.

Business Project and Professional Portfolio

This module provides students with the critical thinking skills, processes, and methods to carry out independent, original research on a selected business problem. This module also contains the Leadership Masterclass Series (LMS) and the Career Development Portfolio (CDP) workshops. These workshops develop students’ leadership skills, develop and enhance their self-awareness, as well as career planning, interviewing, and professional networking skills.

Elective modules

Depending on your course, you will choose one or two from:

Information Systems in Organisations

This module focusses on developing students’ understanding strategic values of information systems and applying the knowledge to real world cases. Students will learn main components of information systems including software, hardware, and organization. Then, students will discuss various cases in which information systems are used to create strategic values in different organizational settings.

Managing for the Future

This module provides students with methods and techniques to evaluate, construct, and assess ‘futures’ to improve decision-making quality. These methods include forecasting, scenario planning and others developed in industry as well as academia. Students will investigate and evaluate issues and future challenges impinging upon organisations by eliciting strategies, policies and detailed practice changes available within management practice and academic research.

Healthcare Policy

This module enables students to understand and analyse health policy at international, national and local levels. Students will acquire theoretical approaches in health policy analysis; analyse the political system within which policies are made; identify the actors involved in health policy; examine global dimensions of health policy; and learn how to use models of evaluation in the policy analysis framework.

Managing Service Operations and Change in Healthcare

This module facilitates an analytical appreciation of service operations management, leadership, and change theories in managing healthcare services. It equips students with managerial and interpersonal strategies and analytical methods.  Students will examine lessons from health policy as they impact service operations management and change. Students will develop original initiatives and the ability to promote these within their organisation’s strategic plans.

Managing Digital Technology and Innovation 

This module teaches students to critically evaluate strategic alternatives and apply appropriate theories and models for managing new digital technology.  Students acquire the skills to assess opportunities within digital market, make use of innovation by harnessing digital toolkits, and to assess and analyse managerial implications of big data, augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and Internet of Things.

Business project

To complete your MBA, you will be required to undertake an in-depth study of a business or management issue of particular interest to you. This will allow you to conduct extensive research, analyse your findings and reach your own conclusions.


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